View Full Version : Can you really feel this bad and nothing be wrong???

22-08-10, 11:25
I have recently started to descend back into health anxiety after about a year of relief. The past couple of weeks i started to become depressed and spent a lot of time in bed. I then experienced right sided abdo pain and went to the docs. He checked and couldn't find any lump or anything but when he did an internalmy right ovary was painful. He said he would send for a scan to check it out.

As you can imagine my anxiety went through the roof. That was 3 days ago. Since then i have come on so have abdo pain with that anyway and i have ibs which has been playing up recently. I have a headache which i think maybe to do with my sinuses, around my eyes and face. I feel sick but hungry, i have a horrible taste in my mouth and feel so exhausted i don't feel like i can do anything. My neck hurts, i ache all over, i feel like i'm 90!!!!

I keep getting horrid thoughts that make me panic too.

Can you really feel this bad and not have something seriously wrong????

Thanks Julie

22-08-10, 21:15
Does no one else feel like this then?

22-08-10, 22:06
Hey Indigo

I dont have the same symptoms as you but i do feel dreadful all the time, im 28 but honestly feel about 78 most days im sure, everything hurts and aches and i am constantly feeling dizzy and off balance which i convinced myself could not be down to anxiety but apparently it is as all my tests were fine! I always thought anxiety came in short bursts like panic attacks but apparently not these feelings of not wanting to do anything and constant aching and drained are with me all the time.

Keep your chin up.


22-08-10, 23:10
Hey indigo - yes other people do feel like that !!!! I have been more or less anxiety free for nearly 10 years and then BANG my fears about my health have hit an all time high - convinced myself I have cancer (ovarian or lymphoma or bowel this time - it was breast cancer last time) - have tried so very very hard to put this to bed and stop it but the more I try the more relentless the fear and anxiety is.

I have developed IBS and have dreadful anxiety about my bowel issues despite the doc telling me that I am peri menopausal and that the IBS is a part of this as is the generalised aches and pains throughout my body.

Anyway, several blood tests and doctors' appointments down the line, I have been offered a deal by my doc - go and have some CBT again (had some many years ago and it was brilliant although I seem unable to use the same strategies again at the moment that worked so well back then) and in return I am having a transvaginal ultrasound to check for Ovarian Cancer (she is convinced I do not have it and my CA125 test has already come back clear) to try and put this fear that is ruling my life and, quite frankly, stopping me living my life to bed once and for all.

On good days I know that I am being silly, on bad days I am inconsolable and cannot stop the relentless checking and fretting. BUT I know that I will get over this and although I am terrified of having the Big C I have to be brave and get checked out once and for all.

So, Indigo my fellow sufferer - yes there are plenty of us who feel like you do !!

Chin up and we will all get there in the end.
