View Full Version : no better, any advice?????

22-08-10, 13:16
I posted a few months back with a few problems i was having and they just dont seem to be clearing up, i have been getting blood in my phlegm for about 5 months now and chest pains and problems with my head and hands. My Dr diagnosed health anxiety and i am now on peroxitine. I have had every test known to man run on me and even had 4 chest x rays, the Dr's can not find the source of the blood in my phlegm and say it could be anything from a sinus problem to a vein problem. All my tests have come back negative for anything but i still think there is something seriously wrong? I dont know if im looking for a pat on the back or a kick up the bum? Has anybody else experienced any of these symptoms?

22-08-10, 13:49
I don't have blood in my phlegm but I can get weeks at a time where everytime I blow my nose the gunk for want of a better word is blood stained and this is purely from area inside my nose that bleeds slightly- I have always had this so know its nothing and I would assume that if this area bled enough then it would run down your throat in the night and could give you blood stained phlegm in the mornings.

I assume you have had the camera up your nose to check your sinuses or a CT scan and camera down your throat to check your voice box????
As you say you have had chest x rays.

I have heaps of symptoms that I have had for years and have to accept they are there but not always from a sinister cause and this is almost impossible to do with a new symptom.

20 yrs ago I would suddenly go very dizzy - the room rocking and me hanging onto something or sitting down suddenly clutching the carpet. It seemed to occur when I had my neck turned or tensed my neck up I could be fine for weeks then get it many times a day for weeks - I then got tingling in my neck and top of shoulder and weird ear symptoms.
I was totally convinced I had a brain tumour/ms/ear tumour etc etc.
My Gp told me it was all coming from my neck as I probably had disc problems ( before advent of mri scans) eventually about 7 yrs later I finally got my mri of neck and brain and sure enough I had proplasped disc and bad arthritis in my neck. I still didn't believe him and then went onto lack of blood supply to my brain due to problem with my arteries in neck - 3 yrs later I had ultrasound of all my neck arteries and all fine.
The problem continues and can badly affect my life when it is bothering me but I can also go months without it but didn't really accept the cause until lo and behold my husband got neck pain and guess what sudden dizzy spells as did a neighbour who like me woulnd't beleive the reason.