View Full Version : Eye question. Can anyone help please?

Natalie x
22-08-10, 14:23
Hi. You may have saw my threads about my worry with my eye. Well basically, im worrying about it again today. It was hurting when i moved it away last week, but this seems to have eased. My problem today is that it feels weird. I cant really describe it, but it sort of feels restricted at the left. Im not sure if this is maybe if i've been screwing it up without noticing. I also wear glasses for on the computer and also for watching tv. I dont always wear them and have only started wearing them more. I had them on for most of last night so im thinking it may be a sort of withdrawl from them and that it maybe feels weak. Im thinking 'what if i have a tumor behind my eye'? Im so scared. Can anyone give any re-assurance please? P.s. Sorry to ramble on. Thanks x

22-08-10, 14:48
hiya, have a read through my eye threads hun. Ive always got eye issues depite being told by 8 diff eyes drs that they are healthy :ohmy: xxx

22-08-10, 17:09
Well if one eye feels wierd then the first solution is that you might be subconsciously putting pressure on it! Do you rest your head on your left arm when you sit down? Do you sleep with your eye pressed into the corner of your pillow? There are lots of explanations and none of them bad thankfully.

Natalie x
22-08-10, 22:18
Thanks for your replies guys. No i dont really, but this may have been the cause. Im getting myself in a tizzy thinking i have a tumor behind my eye. Can anyone re-assure me please? Thanks x

23-08-10, 14:01
Can you make an appt with an optician and then be very brave and explain your fears to them - they will not laugh at you and will take you seriousy and an optician looking into the back of your eye will be able to tell you 100% that your do not have a tumour behind your eye. Reading your thread I would think this is only possible way you will get the peace of mind you need - nothing we say on here will be able to convince you otherwise because we can't look into your eyes:)
I actually knew someone who had tumour behind her eye secondary from sinus cancer and believe me it was a horrible thing to see as her eye very quickly got pushed out - sorry for being graphic but it might help you realise that odd feelings are completely different to the physical signs of something like this and hope this helps you. I had forgotten abot this lady until I read your thread and I realised how bad she had looked

Natalie x
23-08-10, 19:33
Thanks for your replies guys. Im worrying now after reading the above post, but my question is would you be in a lot of pain if you had a tumor? Im scaring myself badly. Please reply. Thanks x

Natalie x
25-08-10, 12:51
Anyone else? Im getting myself in a panic again x

25-08-10, 14:38
Hi Natalie

Have you got yourself an appointment with an optician yet? They would be able to tell you very quickly if there was anything badly wrong with your eyes, and also it may even be that if they're uncomfortable, you might be suffering from eyestrain and need glasses.

Natalie x
26-08-10, 22:46
Hi. No, i had my cbt appointment yesterday and explained things, so im trying to challenge these thoughts. I already wear glasses for on the computer and watching tv etc. x

26-08-10, 23:31
Okay, you need to take a breath and relax. Your symptoms are not due to a space-occupying mass such as a tumor, which produces clinical signs and symptoms long before you start experiencing pain or other sensations.

There are six muscles which move the eye and it can be very common for any one of the these muscles to experience strain, much like a sprinter might experience from running at any given time. The initial symptom of pain on elective movement of the orb is an indicator that muscle strain was quite likely the original insult.

Seasonal allergies can also produce swelling of the mucous membranes which lie proximal to the eyes and can cause inflammation. The affected eye or eyes typically appear red and glassy in appearance, with tears being expressed more than usual.

Once pain subsides, movement of the affected eye can feel foreign for up to several weeks because the eyes are rather incapable of having their movement restricted in order for the muscle(s) to recover more quickly.

You'll be fine. Again, this is not in any way associated with the presence of a tumor.

Spend a bit less time on activities that require rapid sacadic or pursuit movements, both necessary to track objects in the visual fields. Computer time should be restricted as well, since it produces strain upon the eyes in general. Also do not rub or otherwise prod the eye, or engage in extreme side to side gaze in order to test the sensation, but rather let it alone. You'll recover from the odd sensation more quickly.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

26-08-10, 23:40
Hiya Natalie

I get problems with my eyes aswell like there really strained and tired i ended up goin to the opts and gettin reading glasses but still get the prob, but since then i have constantly been sensitive to bright light and always seeing ''floaters'', what scares me also is i get a white spark inthe corner of my eye (rarely), i got some reassurance on it from understanding the nervous system and im positive it is the same with your case x

Natalie x
27-08-10, 13:22
Thanks for your replies guys. I'm just trying not to think about it to be honest. Also, does anyone ever get a feeling like, it's hard to explain, but if you're focusing on soemthing, like you're eyes almost seem as though they go all jumpy. Does that make sense? It happened to me just a second ago and I'm panicking again! x