View Full Version : Please Please reply, please help me!!

22-08-10, 16:21
Hi everyone, im new here and im really, really scared. I dont know if i have healthy anxiety or not but im certain i do.
Ive been having alot of head aches, alot alot, im terrified incase it might be like a brian tumor or cancer or something, im only 13.
Please help, I dont want to die. I want to be normal and healthy again, please reply, please help.

My eyes were hurting in class the other day and i had to squint them, right now its my right eye thtas hurting, it seems to be my righ teye hurting more than my other.

Please reply, im so so so so scared, i dont want to die. please.


22-08-10, 16:41
It sounds like you need your eyes testing.See your GP and an optician.
Get your parents to make appointments for you and stop worrying.
Im sure a few checks will sort you out and put your mind at rest

22-08-10, 16:41
Hi crymeariver, please don't get so upset about these headaches, if you don't already wear glasses then make an appointment to have your eyes tested, or even if you do wear glasses you might need a new prescription. I remember having a lot of migraines when I was going through puberty, around your age actually, this could also be a major factor. You aren't going to die so put that out of your thoughts. By what you said about your eyes hurting in class I would go down to the optician, or go to your doctor who will listen to your fears and then probably tell you to get your eyes checked out.


22-08-10, 16:46
Thanks guys. I just wish I wasnt like this. i geta head ache and I think I have a brain tumor, I stress and fear over it and cant sleep over it, some times it makes me feel like I want to throw up bcause I worry so much. i think i might have health anxiety but I dont know. I've always been like this, I screamed at my mum the other week because she wouldnt let me go to the doctor about the head aches, we fought and everything. I regret it of course. I just wish I wasnt like this.


22-08-10, 16:54
Hi me again,
just try to have a calm conversation with your mum and tell her that you're having trouble with your eyes at school and the headaches make it all seem worse, one of my sons needed glasses when he was 11 but didn't tell me he could'nt see the whiteboard at school! we only realised when he couldn't see the clock on the dvd player! You need to get across to your mum how worried you are but without screaming at her, hard I know, she may just realise how upset you are about it. xx

22-08-10, 16:59
Remember to use your common sense. If something is bothering you you must get it looked at even if it is nothing. And you should work something out with your mum! Headaches are verrrrrrrry common and worse in some people than others. They are so rarely a sign of something bad and it would have other more serious effects on you if it was something bad. I think you do have health anxiety and you can learn to keep it under control with the support of the lovely people on this forum xxxx