View Full Version : FW: Giving up Smoking

Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 00:01

Well I am giving up smoking official date is 27th February 2006 ! I was doing that no more after midnight but bugger that I need to be asleep to do that and I have four to go.

I am petrfied and very anxious. This is a huge thing for me because firstly I have been a smoker for 26 years nearly and I am only 37 and secondly because I have made this huge mistake of telling everyone and registering with the no smoking helpline so I am going to get constant phone calls and emails now.

I am doing it for a lot of reason

1. I am going to be a grandma this year and I want to be a non smoking nanny

2. I have awful health anxieties and I am hoping this will make them a little better

3. I want to show my children how much I love them

4. Because I really do think its a bloody awful habit

I am sure many of you have done this and succeeded! well I am petrified I will fail so if you have any words of wisdom shoot me with them

Thanks for listening

Sue with 5


Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 01:20
Hi Nigel

My Aunt was diagnosed with the same thing in 1998. I spent 3 days in intensive care with her and she now lives with Oxygen for 16 hours a day. She gave up smoking before she was diagnosed, and then got hit with it, seems so unfair. I am afraid it never put me off smoking until I saw the advert with the two girls who were planning their mothers funeral due to Lung cancer! Thats what spurred me on because I saw those faces and saw my own children and that scared me a lot !

Well its now 1.20 I am off to listen to my giving up smoking CD ! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

I have apologised to my children in advance and promised them I will up their pocket money if it gets too abusive !



27-02-06, 02:25
Wishing you the best of luck Susan!!

It's a hard thing to give up, especially when dealing with other issues as well. I admire you, and know that you can do it! If you ever get too much for the children just come on here and vent to us.

Take Care,

27-02-06, 09:42
Hi Sue, good luck on your fiirst day, let us know how it goes.
i gave up 3 years ago but I got patches from the dr.
I can honestly say I have never wanted one for a long time now.
<center>Good luck.

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

27-02-06, 10:56
hi sue

i really hope giving up smoking goes well for you

i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you


27-02-06, 11:07
you go girl, when you feel the release off your chest you will start to breathe better and when you start to breathe better the anxiousness will ease off it all takes time im still a sufferer but while many of us think we are dying of some illness no doc can pin point, your smaking which CAN kill you and now your curing yourself, never go back

all the best and good luck wishes
katy x[:O]

Ma Larkin
27-02-06, 11:33
Good luck from me too Sue. I'd love to give up, if only for my children, although i should be saying for myself, but its so hard isn't it. Everyone I know who has given up started coughing like hell & felt poorly so they started again!! Apparently, this can be normal though, I suppose its all those toxins relasing from your body, so i've got everything crossed for you. That advert of Trudi with her 2 daughters scared me, I'm 39 & smoke like a trooper as the saying goes. I really am getting conscious about my age & the amount of years i've been smoking. It really is time to quit, but I need to wean myself down first. I won't commit 100% & say i'll do it in case I fail, so you have no excuse now Sue, you've told everyone!! Good luck chick.


27-02-06, 12:01
hey Sue,

GOOD LUCK, YOU SO CAN DO THIS! Plus, you have so many people checking up on you, you HAVE to do this!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 12:19
Hi Guys

Thanks for the lovely responses, I am going to keep going, I know this is going to be one of the hardest challenges of my life but I can do it !

Right hubby is being so nice, I think he is scared of me




27-02-06, 12:36
hi sue,

good luck giving up smoking.

i gave up smoking when i was 37, you know when it is your time to try and stop. i loved smoking and hadnt tried to stop before and was a very heavy smoker. i did get patches but decided that i didnt want to get over 2 addictions so only used them for the first 3 days to take the edge off. looking back it was easier than i thought it would be. do get as much support as you can, it all helps.

i was in a very anxious period at the time and didnt really notice if it made me more anxious. the best time to stop is when you are already stressed out.

hope it goes well for you .. tc andrew

Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 18:28
God this is sooooooo hard I would rather go to the dentists for a day !

Ok well its nearly day one and I have become a nervous wreck but hey I am still here !

Thanks for your support and thank Andrew for your great words of encouragement!!! if a man can do it so can I ? lol

Sue with 5


27-02-06, 18:38
Well done Sue, you have done really well today, take each day as it comes, think distraction, keep in touch. xx

27-02-06, 19:11

Keep it going! Lets just keep the walking going to keep your mind busy!

We'll be doing that mini marathon in no time!

Very proud of you mate!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

27-02-06, 19:24
Well done Knight Rider, keep up the good work (",)

28-02-06, 14:42
Sending good big 'giving up smoking' vibes to you today.:)

Love Piglet x

28-02-06, 17:11
have you thought bout readin alan carrs easy way for women?
The book is a huge success! i have it, but not read it yet. if you search on amazon, you'll see the many many many positive reviews on the women {2 men included!} who have quit either half way through the book or after turning the last page!

28-02-06, 19:48
Well done Sue. Keep going!

Perhaps print out those reasons you have for wanting to give up in big letters and stick the list on the wall at various places around your home. It might help you remain focused when temptation starts.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

28-02-06, 22:25
Keep at it Sue!

Remember there's always chocolate and other vices to dull the pain ;)


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

Sue K with 5
01-03-06, 00:53
Today was a bloody nightmare!

I have to be honest I have a really bad week this week in terms of stress and tomorrow is a big day for me so this afternoon I had a ciggie, I hated doing it but I just caved in after crying for ten mins. I am not giving up though, I am still fighting this!

I hope by thursday things in the home front will have calmed down and it will make it easier

Thank you for all your lovely words



01-03-06, 01:30
Well done Sue.

Only having one cigarette in 2 days is good progress. Keep going. You are doing well.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

01-03-06, 16:43
Good on youu for even trying Sue, so many congratulations straight away.

HELP TO STOP SMOKING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=599)
Teaching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4576)
Giving up smoking! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=531)
Smoking increasing my Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5443)
smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5703)
smoking, anxiety and panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5772)
quitting smoking- what about the patch? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6654)
NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS LIST (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6902)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-03-06, 18:52
I agree one ciggie in two days is absolutely fab.

Your doing really great :D

Piglet xx

02-03-06, 21:44
Hi there
Well done for giving up smoking:D
I stopped smoking on the 26th Jan 2006 so i know what you are going through and i keep telling myself that I will never go through what i went through that first week of giving up because that week was hell! I also went for a stop smoking session with someone who was trained by a man who is well known on TV. I have not even wanted to go to the shops to buy any and my old habits don't enter my mind.

Keep going forward no more cancer sticks you have the strength to do it!