View Full Version : feel like constantly on the brink of a seizure

22-08-10, 20:37

This is my second post in as many days. I have such a bizarre feeling in my head, its like i cant concentrate on anything and there is a constant heaviness around my head like a black cloud of lead (hey that rhymes).

I am a 25 year old male who has suffered anxiety for over two years now. im not on any meds at the minute.

Im going to have a seizure at any minute/ I have a brain tumour/epilepsy.

Reasons for worries:
It started last week with a painful headache, that has dispersed a bit now (comes back intermittently) but has left beind neck pains, excessive salivation, random unusual smells (that nobody else smells), constant drowsiness, random limbs jerking just as i am falling asleep, unsteadyness on my feet, visual floaters/pinpricks of light, being jumpy, inablility to concentrate, sensation of constantly being on the cusp of a seizure.

my doctor has been nothing but dismissive due to my history with anxiety

Im sick of waiting to have a seizure.

has anyone ever experienced similar feelings?

24-08-10, 04:10
I've experienced all these and like you had worries for a while about it being a seizure. Have you seen a psychologist or psychiatrist? I'm seeing one now and he's brilliant. He also used to be a doctor so I trust when he says that it's only anxiety and not seizures. After a couple of months most of these feelings have gone away. I get the 'brink of a seizure' feeling still sometimes but this is actually just anxiety :)

24-08-10, 07:52
I have been to a neurologist for this. I had things like this for years that even my doctors thought was epilepsy! But it wasn't. It's just anxiety. The neurologist told me if it was epilepsy it would happen in distinct episodes, not every day or constantly. It would be much more irregular.

If I have it (even the strange smells!) and the last poster does too I think we can safely say this is a known anxiety symptom (which is relieving for me too!) :-)

25-08-10, 02:52
Yeah, I thought mine was epilepsy too for a while there. Silly anxiety. I even get weird tastes at random times!

10-09-11, 17:23
Hello everyone, thank you so much for putting an end to this epilepsy fear. I have lived with this fear for 7 years always feeling on the brink of a fit. My doctor told me it was anxiety but of course i still thought it was epilepsy. Harasgenster thank you for your reassurance that if it was epilepsy it would happen in distinct episodes and not every day or constantly, that has made a BIG difference to je. The next time i feel like this, i will tell myself it's that stupid old anxiety paying me a visit!

28-10-11, 17:02
omg. been having this feeling for weeks! its horrible.

28-10-11, 17:31
You can't be "on the brink" of a fit. You are fine, then you are unconscious, thats how it goes. It has no feeling at all. That feeling of nearly having a seizure cannot be related :)