View Full Version : Can anyone give me some advice? xxx

22-08-10, 22:25
Hi this is a bit weird to explain but i hope someone gets what i mean, yesterday when i was in the car i had a feeling all of a sudden but its hard to explain it was like my heart stopped but i dont know if it was that but i also felt like i wasnt breathing so i dont know if it was the not breathing part that made me think my heart had stopped it made me kind of jolt upright like i needed to breath quick, i was really worried it was my heart, i do suffer costochondritis and dont know if it was a pain from that or just a rush of anxiety/panic or a heart palp as i have never had one i dont know what it feels like.

Just wondered if anyone could give me some advise on this as its worrying me again today

Thank you in advance Jo xxxxxx

Going home
22-08-10, 22:38
Hi Jo, costochondritis is an inflamation of the joint between the ribs and the breast bone, and while it can give you pain that can affect your shoulder or arm on whatever side the inflamation is on, it doesn't give you palps as such. What you've described sounds like an ectopic heartbeat...a 'missed' beat as we call them, although its not actually missed just misplaced, meaning two beats have happened quite quickly and then a longer pause before a third beat, which can give you the feeling that your heart has stopped. They are very common and lots of us on here get them in many forms...flutters etc, even doctors get them. They are scary and uncomfortable if you're not familiar with them and get a run of them, but they're harmless and being anxious about them can make them worse. However, you can also get them if you drink too much caffeine, alcohol or smoke and some people get them after eating too much, because your stomach can irritate your heart...again harmless but uncomfortable. If you get any more and they bother you too much ask your doctor about them for reassurence.

Hope this helps a bit
Anna xxx

22-08-10, 22:43
thank you anna, like i say im not sure if it was my heart or if it was my breathing or just a rush of anxiety/panic but i havent had one since but worried im going to get another one xxxxx

Natalie x
22-08-10, 23:09
Hi Jo. I've had this feeling many times before and have been extremely scared over it. I found that i seemed to be burping a lot (sorry!) and that was causing the feeling. They are just missed beats and are harmless. Have a look at my threads. You will get some more re-assurance from there x

23-08-10, 00:50
This sounds exactly like a heart palpitation. Very common and harmless with anxiety.