View Full Version : Weird head symptom

22-08-10, 23:58
Hey today I keep getting a sharpe pain at the top of my head every so often. Is it a symptom of a brain tumour?

Please reply ASAP
love louise X

23-08-10, 00:32
More like tension hun. Tension causes sharp pains, aches, pressure feelings, burning feelings and stiffness in the head, and neck too. I used to get it allllll the time, loads of weird head pains, and i asked for a CT scan after having severe dizziness with it. It came back clear and it all disappeared as i wasnt anxious anymore! The mind is such a powerful thing hun, you will get better in time, anxiety is awful but thats all it is is anxiety, you arent ill hunny, i used to think i was and that just makes u worse lol, chin up and dont worry yourself, u have deffinitely NOT got a tumour. The main symptom os a tumour is fits and SEVERE headaches, and you would KNOW if u had something wrong with ur brain trust me hun. Take care :)

23-08-10, 00:36
crazy haze u have just made my day i put a post on here the other day which nobody really replied to i get burnin sensations in my head an ears so it is our anxiety that causes all this xx

23-08-10, 00:46
Yes my love it is. I suffered the worst burning, tingling, pain, pressure etc in my head, scalp, neck, ears!! Its all down to anxiety. To put it more scientifically (and this comes from my neurologist at the time) When someone suffers from an anxiety disorder and gets physical anxiety symptoms, adrenalin is produced. Adrenalin is responsible for all the physical symptoms, as well as tension, which is due to anxiety! So its all related in one way or another! The adrenalin basically rushes through our bloodstream and nerve-endings in our bodies and overloads them with adrenalin, so hence why we get the nasty symptoms!! Tension is another big one. When we anxious, we get tense, everyone does, its an automatic thing within our bodies and we dont even notice it half the time (i never did when i was a huge anxiety sufferer!). Tense muscles cause pain and discomfort, tingles and burning, shakes and twitches, weakness... bit like when you tense ur arm like a wrestler and eventually your arm/hand will shake or it will feel weak/heavy...(this is why ppl complain of heavy weak limbs).. Or if you get pins and needles in your foot or tingles where you have been 'had it laid in an odd position' or rested on it too long for example.. theres always a reason. Never forget that. Adrenalin + Tension = Nasty Symptoms!! Worrying about Nasty Symptoms creates MORE adrenalin and tension which then creates more worry lol. Its a never ending cycle, and thats the hardest bit to break with anxiety disorder. It took me 5 months to reach recovery stage, and i still get the odd little relapse when im down or stressed out, only natural, but the key is to ACCEPT anxiety by NOT letting it control you, realising it is JUST anxiety, all in the mind, NOT anything that will HARM YOU. Take care lovey xxx

23-08-10, 00:51
thanks hun uno the other thing that really gets me down is i dont feel like am here i ave myself sayin am i still here its weird and horrible i no im here but cant get them stupid thoughts out my head very shakey of a moning and at night but only been on my new meds 3 weeks xx

23-08-10, 01:58
This is called 'Intrusive thoughtst, they are worrying and annoying but they are common and nothing to worry about. Of course u are really here, u know you are, and you can settle that by pinching your arm lol. Another thing u might get is something called depersonalization and derealization. These often make you feel and think like your 'not real' or make you question whether what you are looking at or doing, saying, thinking is even real, and your living in some time warp...it can be scary, i know as i went through months of it, but its just another annoying anxiety symptom that honestly means nothing.. the shakiness is just where you are really worried and so your adrenalin levels are very high and your muscles in your body are very tense. Try n calm down, have a relaxing bath and think happy thoughts. Sleep well :) x

23-08-10, 02:03
Oh and being on meds at first INCREASES you anxiety dramatically, well, for most ppl anyway! It did me! I was so anxious in the first 8 weeks of my meds that I actually thought I had 'crakced up' and was begging my boyfriend to take me to a mental hospital. It was awful lol. But after the 8 week mark it started to really work and it was my saviour. I dont think il ever be totally free of anxiety, ppl who have it are apparently more susceptible to having anxiety and worrying about their life and future, i worry all the time lol (plus anxiety disorder runs in my family on my mothers side so genes have alot to do with it i reckon!). I take diazepam every time i feel a little relapse happening, and it works wonders, i dont mind being on meds as i wanna be happy for my little boy as he deserves a happy mummy so im doing it for him, and myself of course. Dont let this horrible illness beat you, you will get through this. Although i cant say u will ever be totally recovered, i thinmk anxiety is mostly about acceptance and coping methods.. how you deal with stuff so it doesnt get worse hence causing tension and anxiety in the first place.. Goodnight andTake care x