View Full Version : Are you anxious in your dreams?

23-08-10, 10:07
Hello everyone

I've been wondering about this for a while... And feel like doing a bit of research today!

Basically I have been reading a column in the Saturday Times by Melanie Reid, a journalist who was paralysed from the neck down in a horse-riding accident earlier this year. Anyway, recently she was talking about dreams and how she is (so far) always able to walk in her dreams. The next day she mentioned this to a nurse who said that it usually takes about 2 years after paralysis before you start to dream of yourself as being in a wheelchair rather than walking around like normal.

Now I'm not trying to compare my situation to being paralysed of course but I found this interesting as it coincided with me starting to feel anxious in my dreams, about a year after my anxiety/panic attacks first started. When it first started, I would always be normal in my dreams and completely non-anxious. Then for a while I would be normal, but at some point in the dream I would suddenly realise that I SHOULD be feeling anxious or panicky and wonder why I wasn't. Then in the last month or so I'm usually feeling awful in my dreams, just like I would in real life.

Has anyone else noticed this kind of pattern? I find it really depressing, like the anxiety has become so much a part of me now that it will be impossible to overcome!

23-08-10, 10:11
Im exactly like this im glad you posted this,in a middle of a dream its like it all hits me again im depressed and panicky...and when i wake up its worse....

23-08-10, 10:56
Yep it's horrible isn't it, especially when for a little while in your dream you're OK, then it all comes back and hits you and you think, oh yeah of course, I forgot I should be feeling anxious/panicky/depressed but of course I should... SO disappointing and like you say it carries over into how you feel when you wake up.

I have lots of dreams where I'm doing stuff I could never do at the moment due to the anxiety, like going on a plane, going places on my own, being at work etc. Briefly I'll feel OK, then I remember I should be feeling bad and start to feel bad, I even have panic attacks in the dream (though fortunately I don't think I'm having one while I'm sleeping - or if I am I don't wake up)!

23-08-10, 11:04
I know exactly how u feel its like you cant even escape when your sleeping it takes over!!!.are you anxious and panicky most of the day to?i to have stopped doing normal things because of panic going shopping,driving its horrible...I think the worst for me is i only used to get anxious outside of home but now its all the time...

23-08-10, 11:45
Find myself drifting between anxious thoughts and dreams so everything joins and it's like one long day.

23-08-10, 13:04
Yes Wendy I am anxious and panicky most or all of the day too. It is exhausting! All I want to do at the end of the day is go to sleep and be completely unaware of things for a few hours but it's interrupted by these dreams all the time... Like Midnight Calm says it's just like one long and horrible day!

My anxiety started pretty suddenly, after a heart-related panic attack whilst driving. From there I went literally overnight from being able to do normal stuff (although I've always been an anxious person) to not even being able to walk to the top of my road alone! I felt awful and anxious at home too right from the start so I think going out just feels worse because I'm not in a safe place. Since then I have been able to do a bit more from time to time (walk a little further, drive a bit etc) but not without bad anxiety and panicky feelings - no matter how many times I repeat it, the feelings don't go...

In a way, when you are anxious all the time, it doesn't really matter where you are (though having said that I do feel worse when I go out and so I do avoid it). I feel like the problem is more that I don't feel safe in my own head if that makes sense! I have had so long feeling awful and panicky and weird all the time that I don't trust myself at all to feel normal doing anything. It's like losing faith in your own self, your own mind and your own ability to cope and just BE. A truly horrible experience!

23-08-10, 13:12
I totally agree youve just said how i feel not feeling safe in your own head!!! i always worry im going insane or will lose my mind which in turn keeps me anxious...its such a vicious circle especially when its in your dreams to....

23-08-10, 13:40
Oh gosh. I'm thankful after reading your posts that I'm not anxious in my dreams. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. :lac:

23-08-10, 15:11
Yes I am terrified of going insane and often feel like I'm about to lose control and go mad. I'm not actually completely sure what I mean by going mad, I think I actually mean that I'm afraid I will just go into a permanent panic attack and lose control of myself, or in a worst case scenario harm myself or someone else... Followed by being put into a mental hospital for the rest of my life etc etc... The usual fears I suppose!

Fear of going insane is quite common with anxiety and panic, there are quite a few posts on here already about that if you haven't already seen them!

23-08-10, 15:26
I have seen the posts yes,its really nice to talk to someone who to me seems is having exactly the same thoughts and anxiety going round in their head its like i could of wrote your post....all though i wished none of us had to suffer all these thoughts symptoms..

23-08-10, 16:30
Have really vivid dreams or nightmares. I do remember though having dreams from time to time I was drunk and I've been t-total for seven years now.