View Full Version : What would you do? Embarrasing male problem, it has me worried.

Desprate Dan
23-08-10, 11:43
Hi, please could you give me some advice please. Around 3 weeks ago whilst getting dry after a shower i noticed my left nipple was very tender, now 3 weeks on its still painful when pressed whilst my right nipple feels normal.. I know breast cancer is rare in males but not unheard off, i am really embarrassed to speak to my doctor. I am currently under the doctor for anxiety, and over a year ago i had to go see the doc about a lump on my testicle which turned out to be a harmless cyst. Now i have another embarrasing problem i dont know what to do, i am worried what the doc may think of me.. What would you do? Thanks DD

23-08-10, 12:01
it could be a mamery gland under the skin ,,, also like women men have hormones that can play up,, i am sure your doctor wont mind you asking him

23-08-10, 12:08
I used to get sore nipples monthly for days to the point where my clothes rubbing them would hurt a lot. Used to call it my man period as I'd get moody a lot around this timetoo lol

Desprate Dan
23-08-10, 13:51
Maybe i am making the thing worse by touching prodding it not giving it time to heal, its so difficult to know when you should be concerned and when to just ignore, really dont want to burden the doctor, but would also like peace of mind.. Thanks DD

23-08-10, 13:55
I have this a lot, it is most likely just irritation from shower gel, washing powder, perfume or a number of things. I noticed that when I stopped using expensive shower gels it went away.

If you are concerned you could see your GP about it, remember they are used to questions!