View Full Version : please tell me im not alone!!!!!

becks xxx
23-08-10, 12:57
Hi guys, im really worried..been doing pretty well but this weird sensation is really holdng me back
I've had anxiety most of my life, im 16 now- and when i was young, i remember watching the telle and i got a really weird feeling in my head/ears - it's so hard to describe but it's almost as if what i heard on tv, i heard it on tv then it repeated on my head but really slow? It's like just every now and then, and the words come in my head really slow and longed out?
I just started thinking abut this the other day, and randomly started worrying over what if it happened again
Then sunday it happened abit, and i thought i was on the verge of going mad, then my brother started speaking to me, i got into a conversation and it went
Now i duno if this is anxiety???? or a brain or ear condition? But really scared, and it's really holding me back. Please someone reply

23-08-10, 13:57
Hi becks this does sound like anxiety..have you spoke to anyone about how you feel??.

becks xxx
23-08-10, 14:00
yeah i've got a counsellor, really helpful. i've been doing really well, but this is constantly on my mind now

23-08-10, 16:31
Is good you are speaking to a counsellor. Between the counsellor and your GP should be able to decide if it is def anxiety related.

23-08-10, 16:38
I used to get this with the words bein really slow an long in your head after you've heard them, especially with the calgon advert :wacko: Never rly focused on it cuz didn't bother me and havn't had it for ages now lol. xx

23-08-10, 16:41
Becky I do believe I had exactly the same problem as you. Look at my thread - "distorted voice in head - freaked out" (I think). It feels just wrong and as if the world is going slowly. I have put it down to plain anxiety being to much for my perception and brain. It has pretty much gone now for me though as my anxiety has subsided. I am really interested you have had a similar experience! Do you get any visual stretched out/long effects or wrong perception?