View Full Version : Hi !!

23-08-10, 15:12
Hi everyone,
Ive just joined your site, having stumbled (I mean that in a nice way:winks:) across it this morning and I've been sitting here reading all your stories.... I will tell you a little about myself.
I have suffered panic attacks, social phobias, agraphobia etc since 1993 when my father in law passed away. I think looking back the stress of looking after two children of 2 and 3 and packing my hubby off to his mums and bottling up my own grief and "getting on with it" started the chain of events which bring me up to date. I too visited the doctor tried all the natural herbal treatments and read as much as I could, whilst thinking I was going mad. I got to the point that I could not take or collect my children from school myself and I was just a shell of my former self:weep:
That was many years ago and with the support of a lovely hubby and family and friends I managed to begin to pick up the pieces and I now work as a TA at a local sch and I have just ret from a holiday in Italy. That said although the panic attacks are few and far between I still cant shake off the feeling that Im going to be sick or need the loo when I go out and about and still have the muzzy feeling in my head!! I still dont like going out alone tho.But I have come a long way and I would urge everyone out there who feel at their wits end to hang in there..... You are not alone, you are not going mad and this site is like a great big extended family and I'm glad I found you.... L X:hugs:

23-08-10, 15:14
Hi Lynikinz

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
24-08-10, 13:44
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x