View Full Version : Stayin at friends house!!

23-08-10, 15:14
My best friend (of 7 yrs) has asked me to stay at her new house tonight, but my anxiety has sky rocketed rly bad past few days. I'm stressin incase I have a heart attack an I'm in a weird place cuz she jus moved into a shared house. I keep gettin chest pains an palps past few days rly bad, scared it will make me have a massive panic attack when I'm there or I'll die or summin.

Feel like turnin round an tellin her I can't stay but I feel like if I keep sayin no to stuff an not lettin myself go out I'll never get rid of it an goin out will become more an more scary.

Half of me rly wants to go cuz shes my best mate an we have a right laugh when we're together but the other is screamin "nooo dont do it!!" scared if I don't listen to my mind sayin no, summin really bad will happen. I used to stay with her all the time an neva had a problem wiv it, I just don't kno which side of myself to listen to if you get me.

Do you think I should go and face it or listen to my mind sayin no and leave it til I'm feelin better? Cuz I have been feeling REALLY bad, I just have no idea what to do right now :( xxx

23-08-10, 15:35
Hi Emma,
I just joined this site today and I really understand how you feel.....Just ask yourself this how would you feel if you didnt go? Ok you would feel safe but Very disappointed !! Tell your friend how you feel, if she's a really good friend she will be there if you need it. Remember you are not moving there, it's only for the night and you will have a laugh. Think of yourself laughing along with her and how your gonna feel tomoz when you are back home.....Look what you will have achieved and how good you will feel......then go for it. Big hug L X

23-08-10, 15:54
Hi Emma,

I had the exact same thing on saturday..I had put off meeting my friend for months.. Felt good one day and said yes!

For weeks I was so so so scared... I arrived at the train station by myself and was dizzy, seeing stars really scared..

As soon as i arrived within about an hour I felt loads better...HONESTLY It wasn't a tenth as bad as what i'd thought.

I told my friend how I was feeling and she was very supportive... We laughed all night and I felt much better after as Id succeeded in what scared me...

Trust me i'm sure you'll be fine!!! The thoughts are always worse than the actual doing!

Nat xxxx

23-08-10, 16:26
Thx for replyin guys youve gev me a lot of confidence! I've decided to go! Sittin here waitin for her to pick me up n windin myslelf up though, my left arm an chest keeps goin all achey an funny stressin me out.

My mate knos all bout what I've been goin thru so no doubt she'll be supportin me so I'm ok wiv that. Can't beleive how much I'm stressin ova it tho ! :( xxx