View Full Version : Loss of Appetite...

23-08-10, 16:07
Hi guys, this has happened to me before but not so bad.
For the past week or so my appetite has just dissapeared. I can only think It's through a combination of constant butterflies/feeling sick & being wary of eating through severe heartburn & IBS problems.

Also, all the worry of my recent failed medical assesment isn't helping eiether :(

The only time I feel like eating is later on in the evening, say 9pm-11pm...& I just have a sandwhich & maybe some crisps & that's it. Can't be good for a days intake can it? :( I'm worried what it might be doing to my body as the weight seems to be falling off & I look very pale & have been getting very bad headaches...but I just can't bring myself to eat through the day anymore. :(

What do you think I should do?

23-08-10, 16:47
my love...i think the majority of us experience loss of appetite...i myself have lost so much weight...at least you are eating something....i tend to eat better in the evenings....mornings for me are a complete no no at the moment unfortunately...due to high level of anxiety/panic.

just try and eat small pieces....and drink plenty of fluids...have you seen your gp...i am going to see mine again this friday and talk about my loss of appetite.

are you on any medication? xxxx lots of love tracey xxxx

23-08-10, 16:54
try doing exercise... it will calm you down and increase your appetite.

23-08-10, 17:44
I lost mine for about 2 weeks once, I have periods of eating sort of good for 4 - 6 weeks then i'll have a can't eat hardly anything withought heaving or feeling full fortnight

23-08-10, 17:50
Hi there. The worst thing you can do is worry about it. Just accept that for now you have no appetite and take postive steps to overcome this.
Talk to your GP. I was given juice drinks called fortijuice which contain vitamins and minerals. They give these to chemo patients to keep them "healthy", so theyre ideal for people who arent eating.