View Full Version : another headache question

23-08-10, 16:35
hi.. i am 98% percent sure its my anxiety but as always we need reassurance...

so i get WEIRD headaches.. like a pain in one spot. like someone is talking their finger and pushing really really hard. and then its super tender.
i know tension headaches are like a tight band.. but this isnt like that its more like VERY hard pressure in one area.. and sometimes it can move around.
any light to be shed?
thanks :)

23-08-10, 16:46
well im 100% sure it anxiety or just a normal headache like everybody gets.
I get all types of different headaches sometimes my whole head hurts, sometimes it feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife and so on, it is just a normal headache so nothing to worry about.

23-08-10, 16:50
ok.. thanks.. coz when i think of a normal headache i think of a throbbing one- those don't bother me. but weird pains.. those are a bit freaky.
thanks..its reassuring to know i'm not the only one with strange goings on in my head.

23-08-10, 18:31
Hi Chai - i have had the exact same thing over and over again. In fact i have a similar-ish, but yet they are never quite the same which just fuels the anxiety, sensation right now. Like someone is pushing down on the top of my head. I have had it in one spot (like you), several places and the same time and any other variety of the above.....

It is the anxiety rearing it's ugly head - fear not. I have had pressure sensations for 2 years, and for the last year have had a strong sensation over my eyes and behind them... still not found the answer though....