View Full Version : Partner is working away and i cant cope ;(

23-08-10, 17:27
well my partner left yesterday afternoon and wont be home untill friday night, he is doing this for 6 months! untill we can move closer to his work. i just feel constantly sick and hot and every little noise scares the hell out of me, i cant sleep at night at all, i cant even lie down i always have to be looking around me, i dont know how im going to cope i havnt really stopped crying yet! Im just sitting watching tv in my bedroom because im too scared to walk around the house or go out and come back alone. my mom and dad dont live close and i cant really say anything over the phone to them because they just think im being silly. i just dnt know what to do anymore.:shrug:

24-08-10, 08:53
Oh you poor thing! I would be exactly the same. I think in time you will get used to being alone though. Mind you if it was me I can see my leccy bill going up a lot!

24-08-10, 09:47

You should take small steps at a time, maybe stay at a friends for abit to give yourself some breathing space (and some sleep).
Maybe then it will be alot easier as you can put things into perspective. Dont just stay in your bedroom, make a cup of tea or a relaxing bath. I no its easlier said than done but your bedroom will become your safety zone. Remember, small steps. Does your partner know how you are feeling?

24-08-10, 10:13
I'm home alone too this week and know exactly how you feel. Although as I am working I have to go out but yesterday I found excuses to stay late in the office so not to go home, and I am finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning, prefering to stay under the duvet
Happy to chat if it helps

24-08-10, 10:25
Hi i,m going though the exact same thing at the moment although my husband will be home tommorrow night, hes in the cheq republic with work and i,m missing the company, it,s good to hear from him every night. You say that your parents will think you silly if you telll them of your anxiety well give it a try and speak to them ,you never know this could help you .

24-08-10, 12:48
I live with my parents and they are going away the weekend after next for two weeks to family in Canada for a wedding. They so deserve a break. My Dad works really hard and my Mum has been through the mill with me and again really deserves the break.

A lot at moment I get up and do some stuff during day knowing it should help me but more to ease them from the worry they've been through.

This is selfish as I use them as my 'emotional crutch' but I'm dreading them being away. No way can I say to them how I feel and don't want to say to my bro or sister as they are supportive and loving to but know I have my Mum as an emotional crutch and don't think it helps.

What I'm trying to say is I know how you all feel. I'm just adding to the guilt of feeling selfish.