View Full Version : the final straw!!!!!!!!!!!

23-08-10, 18:09
ooo god i dont know where to start i seem to be getting worse and worse i went to the doctors today hoping the would help me and now i have been told i have to be psychiatric assessed.... will this crap ever end meds anit working still anit heard off the Councillor it nearly been 2 months and just had enough. every day seem to be a constant battle most of the time i dont even want to get up and face the day because i know what going to come. im 22 and constantly think im going to die of a heart related problem and to make matters worse i now think theres something wrong with my head too and no matter what anyone say i just cant get it out of my mind, i know deep down it anxiety but it so hard to think reasonably about it. it just make me so anger when the doctor says ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD, THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. like i dont know that, i just need help, and to think 6 months ago i would be the last person to ever be like this, i just cant stop think why me. ever time i think im getting some where something kicks me back down and its even hard to pick yourself back up. i have now hit rock bottom and cant see any way up. my family thinks it funny that i need to be assessed they think im just being silly, even tho my sister has has depression and anxiety her self just not health related, she says if she can get through it so can i and need to stop being silly nothing going to happen to me, so i tell her i know that and if i could stop it i wouldn't be like this would i dumb ass!!!!! grrrrrr wish i had some one close who understands if it weren't for this site i dont know what i would do. all my friends think im crazy some dont even bother phoning any more, i dont blame them really but could really do with some one to talk to. my boyfriend is at his wits end with me we have been together 10 years but he just dosent know what to do with me im stopping him doing so much we used to go away for weekends ever month to different places around Europe to festivals now i cant even leave the house help me please someone!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to go on but i need a good moan :weep:

eternally optimistic
23-08-10, 18:32
Hi Zoe

Soz to hear you are really fed up.

I know you might feel this is a really bad response to what you wanted to hear but, it may well be that this could be the beginning of good things and that you might something good out of it.

It is really c..p when you can see no light at the end of the tunnel but you've done the right thing by going to see the doc. Have faith and it can change.

Good luck for the future and keep smiling.

By the way, you're not moaning your just venting your fraustation and sometimes that is what makes this wonderful site such a good place to visit as people know where you're coming from.

26-08-10, 15:25
i know how u feel hun i was told the same thing its all in my head and i feel so ill sometimes i cant move mine is breathin obbsessions to like i cant breath in enough or its to shallow and i cant talk cos no air dr told me its all in ur head its so hard to deal with when it happens