View Full Version : am i the only one?

27-02-06, 10:36
3 years ago,i found my partner who had been very violent to me for 2 years hangin in my bathroom of the flat i used to live,it was a massive shock to the system.having both of my parents passing away at a young age,i was alone with noone,now 3 years later,and not missing the partner,ive moved on in a small way,but now i suffer from death and health anxierty and worry about everything,and anything.i have found a new partner who is very loving and understanding,and is there for me no matter what i do.but its this anxierty,i wont eat certain foods as i think that they will give me a heart attack,and i have a morbid fasintion about death.i love exercise,but if i do more then an hour i think im goin to drop down dead,ive been to my gp,and i am waiting for councilling but this could take up to 2 years.is anyone in the same boat[?]or is it just me,[?][?][?]


27-02-06, 11:16
hi there, i have thoughts in my head constantly that im gonna die if people leave me alone in the house or at work. because i feel lightheaded and not much of my breathe i tend to think il pass out in public which scares me that il never wake up, when i go to sleep i wonder am i gonna be alive tomorrow or is it my time to go. im only 22 and have suffered 6 months of anxiety and panic all through christmas i wondered if i would be alive to see xmas day and when i was i was so greatfull, i cant help thinking this way, but what i need to start thinking is my sis wedding is in july and im walking down the aisle in front of 100 of peolple im anxious now aboout it, but the way i calm myself down is i havent died yet and its been 6 months. Have some faith and stick by your loving partner im here whenever u need to chat


27-02-06, 13:40
hi there sorry about the awfull time youve had life can through some rough stuff at us.im glad you have found a loving partner as this will help you through it.you are not alone i suffer terrible health anxiety too and so does many others on here.try phoning around for charitieis that offer counsilling they only take what u can afford and the waiting list is not as long.i found somwhere called the stress centre this is in glasgow though but there might be somwhere in your area like this.its worth a try.hope this helps a bit take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

Ma Larkin
27-02-06, 13:41
Hi jojo, I suffer from health anxiety too. I took an overdose in March last year & the tablets I took cause cardiac arrest. The day I took the tablets was the day of my very first panic attack, which I thought was a heart attack. I had counselling & the counsellor said to me "Les, if you'd damaged your heart, you'd be dead by now". That's when reality hit home, I thought I was worrying about nothing, but what really p's me off is that i've been told by all the professionals that the tablets did not bring on the panic attacks & I just cannot believe this. I have suffered from depression all my life from being a teenager but never had a panic attack until that day. I just can't believe that there is nothing wrong with my heart & every twinge I get I believe its a symptom towards my first heart attack. In reality, like the counsellor says, I'd be dead by now, but I just can't help thinking that I'm gonna die of a heart attack. The older I get, the more worried I get. I'm really scared of dying, I think about it every day, worried what will happen to my kids & how they will cope without me. Its awful isn't it to think that we are probably normal, healthy human beings yet we constantly think there is something seriously wrong with us. At least we know we're not alone jojo, that in itself is reassurance to me.


27-02-06, 14:08
les i keep having to tell myself think of all the drug addicts out there and people who are alcoholics they are ruining there insides and yes we probably are healthy im not saying being an alcoholic or druggy is wrong because i turned to alcohol for a while what i am saying is if your fighting it with just u and no help (drugs and alcohol) then keep going cause i bet ya when the year 2020 comes we will be out living what we arnt living now YOU take care everyone is here for each other

MARCIA im from glasgow but live in london im from eastkilbride dya know it

27-02-06, 14:12
hi katy i stay in croftfoot just 5 mins away by car to east kilbride.i go to the shopping centre some times. small world marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

27-02-06, 19:24
same boat jojo. in fact i actually think i am suffering my 100 heart attack as we speak. this would be funny if it was not true.

i hope we can help and make you feel less alone, for that you are not

take care

28-02-06, 18:39
Hi Jojo
Sorry to hear what you have gone through,
My father comitted suicide when I was 15 (Im now 32) and I am sure this started my constant fear of death.
I am glad you have found someone to take care of you
Take Care
Wendy x

Sue K with 5
01-03-06, 01:20
Hi jo

Your certainly not alone ! the fear of death has got to be one of the most bizarre phobias around because it causes other anxieties to raise like the health anxiety for one.

I have had that fear of death since I was 7 it started after the death of my grandfather, I started to question why and had no one to help me understand and it became almost obsessive by the time i reached puberty.

Your not alone and this site has some really helpful resources for you

Take care and keep posting

Sue with 5


10-03-06, 13:08
Hi Jojo,

Just caught up with this thread xx Sorry to hear about what you have been through xx

I understand how you feel about the fear of death xx
You will find lots of people on here have the same symptoms xx

Take care of yourself and you know I'm always here if you need a chat hun xx
Luv Laura xx

15-03-06, 23:02
I'm new and i've just picked up on this subject. I can totally understand you on this. I too have a dying phobia/health fixation. My step father hanged himself when I was 19 and I had just found out I was expecting my first child. Things weren't great with my sons dad (drugs alcoholism etc) and 23 months after my dad's death my partner also hanged himself in an identical way. (Won't go into the gory details).
My anxiety started shortly after my son's birth but worsened considerably on my partner's death. The heart- that's the big one isn't it. Why do we fixate ourselves on that one? Anyway, I think the death of a loved one particularly in violent or traumatic circumstances brings us face to face with our own mortality and that's it in a nutshell.
I've lost people in my life through various things but suicide- well it messes up everyone left behind. My heart goes out to all you members who have been thru it, it really does.
I'me here anyway if anyone wants to talk about it,
Shiv x