View Full Version : belly bigger on left

23-08-10, 20:47
i know this sounds silly but i have noticed my beller on my lower left quadrant is slightly bigger than my right? i noticed it last year and have since had an ultrasound that showed all clear, has anyone else had this problem as i cannnot shake the thought it could be something serious even though i had an ultrasound 3 months ago!!

23-08-10, 21:10
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - so you had an ultrasound three months ago....and it was clear.

i think if you are still worried go back to your gp to get reasurrance....please. dont get yourelf in a state...call them tomorrow and book an appointment...they can have a feel and put your mind at rest.

to be honest i havent noticed on myself...but i am sure you will get lots of posts.

please let me know how it goes...yes....and make that appointment xxxx

love tracey xxxx

23-08-10, 21:17
thanks tracey, in fairness i have had a docter feel around three times and not found anything!! ITS WEIRD HOW YOU CAN WORRY ABOUT EVERY ILLNESS AND EACH ONE ALWAYS SEEMS RELEVANT IE, I HAVE THE SYMPTOMS!!

24-08-10, 11:23

I cant beleive someone else has this too!! I noticed this recently exactly like you describe!!

Im glad you have had all those examinations and ultrasound and nothing was there, it makes me feel better about mine!!

I strange cause i too have had HA for about eight years as well!!

wonder what it is!!

I first noticed mine after i had my daughter. do you find that if you bend forward that the skin hangs down more on that side too, like its more stretched?

How nice LOL!!


24-08-10, 12:24
Well I just thought I was a very funny shape! I had a laporoscopy about 25 yrs ago and my abdomen changed shape then i assumed that is was to do with disturbing the fat! and if I look down on myself then I have much more of a bulge on my right side of tummy button than on left. 2 yrs ago I had my appendix out and a big exploratory op which resulted in a 5 inch scar just under the bulge from hip to navel and of course as this healed it left a hollow line so my original bulge looks even weirder now but be reassured its usually just the distribution of fat even in a thin person.

24-08-10, 20:08
many thanks for your responses, this website has been a godsend!

Fly away Katie
29-08-10, 19:19
:O Im soooo glad someone else posted this!! My tummy is more prominent on the left side aswel. Onlyslightley..but enough to be a worrie.


Fly away Katie
29-08-10, 19:20
I guess were not symmetrical xxxx

Cell block H fan
29-08-10, 20:43
Probably the bowel doing a right turn on that side more, I think on the right is the end of the bowl, where the appendix is, so it stands to reason the left would be chunkier? x

30-08-10, 21:31
no one is exactly symmetrical. how you stand can also make one side stick out more. im obsessed with thinking my right side sticks out more. it doesn't but im convinced it does. lol

31-08-10, 13:05
the left side of my belly is bigger too ive always been a bit concerned so thats reassuring to know im not alone x