View Full Version : Weight Loss Question

23-08-10, 21:13
4 months ago I had a full blood count which came back as great results. I should have been really happy about it but I think the anxiety had already taken hold and I couldnt accept that I was physically very well as the GP said. By that time I wasnt eating at all well..only managing about 950 cals a day and some of that was in liquid.
I realised that not eating might cause some low blood sugar issues so I tried to up the cals, and for the past 3 weeks have taken in about 1200 per day.I have appetite and get hungry but have become very picky with food.

My weight loss is 24lb and my general health is fine aside from shoulder/neck tension which i.m having physio for and some inner ear probs.

Im told though that the inner ear and neck tension could be connected ?

My question is... taking in 1200 cals a day.. will I continue to lose weight and how much should I be aiming for to put some back on ?

23-08-10, 21:55
Hi Zee I've lot quite a big of weight with the anxiety, I'm only 7 stone now and 5 foot 2 inches, I feel so skinny. I'm not sure how many calories I eat in a day, not very many I would think, I wish I had more of an appetite and could put on weight. It seems with me that the more I worry about how skinny I look the more the weight drops off me.
Take care

23-08-10, 23:55
Hi hun :D:hugs:

From what I know... Mmm

Depneding on age, an avrage women will have 2000 calories a day, SO, to loose wieght they will drop down to 1500. Your intake is 1200, I feel, depending on your height, weight and age, you need advice from your gp to check if your are under weight or not.

I myself. I am 5ft 3 and weigh 8 stone, MMm under weight for my hight, could do with putting some on myself, but when I was acute with panic, high levels of anx and under alot of stress I was going under 7 and half:ohmy:
If you do feel the need to put some wieght on, here is some info...

Be sure to eat well balanced meals with proteins, vegetables, and starches such as potatoes and whole wheat bread. Increase the amount of healthy starches in your diet. When you eat, help yourself to extra helpings in order to gain weight fast. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, and add two snacks per day in order to gain weight quickly. During your snacks, drink protein powder body building drinks. You should also add in nutritious high calorie foods such as avocados, nuts, peanut butter, and olives.

Be sure to drink milk and juices. Adding in a single glass of juice every day will add up to one pound of weight gain per month, even if you do nothing else. That is twelve pounds every year not counting whatever else you do.

DON'T forget hun, you can talk to your GP who will help you with this or he/she can advice you more..

Hope this helps:D



24-08-10, 10:57
Glad you started this thread Zee i am the same, i have no appetite really and for some reason start to panic about food, im 5foot and weigh 7stone and i feel too skinny now all my clothes seem to hang off me and everyone keeps telling me to put weight on, easier said than done.

Try not to obsess over it to much as i have found this makes matters worse and then you constantly weigh yourself and its a vicious circle


24-08-10, 20:57
Thank you all for your suggestions and support.. I have a problem with wheat intolerance as well which doesnt help.
Ive bought some of that liquid food which has vitamins and minerals added into it ( 350 cals) a can..

25-09-10, 11:32
Hi Zee :D:hugs:

How are YOU :hugs:

After reading this thread about putting weight on, I decided to do some research. I myself weigh just over 8 stone 2 and I have always new I needed to gain a little more weight.

I AM panic, high anxiety free because of this great site, but still get some lower levels of anxiety.

At the mo, for the past Mmm while now, I have been waking up with a hangover feeling, haha, without the alcohol LOL. NOW, I know this can be an anxiety symptom, my research came up with other things it maybe too. NOTHING to be concerned about, something I can fix, with time.

I came to understand that in the morning are blood suger levels are low, this can be helped my having a nutritious biscuit at the side of the bed, also the hanger feeling can be due to lack of nutrition in the body.

SO, I have put myself on complan, this is a nutrition drink with all that the body needs. I have always eating 3 meals a day and sometimes I eat a snack at night time too, but my portions are small and NOT very nutritious.

A good while ago, I bought myself a treadmill, it is well know that exercise is GREAT and ohhhh boy, this machine helped me sooo much, it made me feel good, :yesyes: BUT, I had to stop using it because I was loosing weight :mad::lac:

I started the drinks on tuesday 21st sep, I am taking them, one after my breakfast and one just before bed, this is 500 calories MORE per day for me, plus this drink has all the nutrisons my body needs, untill I can change the way I eat, I know I have to learn how to eat MORE healthy.

This IS an experiment, I know full well that eat crap, feel like crap, but I do find it DAME hard changing the way I eat, old habbits die hard.

My complan drink, IS NOT in place of food, its as well as, hopefully, I can gain weight, learn how to change my diet, to a more healthier one AND THEN, go on my treadmill for those feel good feelings it gives me.

I KNOW full well the mind is a powerful thing, I don't know if this is my answer to my hangover mornings, BUT, doing this IS NOT going to harm me in anyway, gaining weight and eating healthy is A GOOD way forward, YES :D:yesyes:

It would be nice if you can let me know how you get on with YOUR drink hun, :D



25-09-10, 12:41
This is a really helpful thread :) I've been going through a patch of intense anxiety and panic and I've lost quite a bit of weight. I'm too scared to weigh myself but I would guess Im about 7 and a half stone or maybe a bit less (I was 8 stone before and I'm 5 foot 4). I've got my appetite back now and am eating pretty well but I'm still boney!! I'm trying to build my weight up now so will try some of the above suggestions. I have lost a lot of weight from anxiety in the past...10 years ago I went down to just over 6 stone :( hopefully we'll all be nice and lardy again soon :) xxxx

Hazel B
25-09-10, 12:50
Yep, I've lost 2 stones since April with anxiety, I would not recommend the "Stress Diet" to anyone! I am normally a greedy git and loved food, but for a while it just made me feel sick. I'm 5ft 4 and 8 1/2 stones, so I did need to lose weight, but not this way! I have a gallstone too so I can't eat a lot of fat.
What I do now is try not to worry about my weight, and eat smaller meals more often. I also have nuts and dates as snacks and a low fat rice pudding for supper as I think the milk helps me relax before sleep.
I try to have balanced meals, non processed food and have cut out caffeine.
Good to know I'm not alone.

27-09-10, 11:04
Hi everyone, I see i,m not alone with this problem.

My update is.. that I now have a dietician helping me through this. I was getting so worried about the weight loss which doesnt help with the HA..The reasons why weight loss occurs in anxiety and how it affects us mentally and physically have been explained to me. I had to do a 5 day food diary and it became obvious that there were 2 times lof day when I couldnt bear eating !.. Finding the association with that and my HA really helped to start getting me back on track.
My weight is now stable with eating little and often and I had got into the habit of counting every calorie which just added to the anxiety instead of enjoying food as I once did.
I just want to put 2 or 3lb back on and then I know I will have it under control.
How are you all doing ?

27-09-10, 19:33
Hi Zee :D:hugs:

Its great to hear your getting help with this, :yesyes: you will have yourself sorted in no time :hugs:

I myself have never been worried about my weight, Mmm apart from one time when things went wrong in my life and worry alone put my weight down to under 6 an a half stone, but sorted that out over time.

Hay, last Tuesday I weighed 8 stone 2 an a half, now I weigh, 8 stone 4 an a half, haha, good hay, LOL as for the hangover feeling, Mmm its still there, but it did not help that I got a cold and felt like crap anyway, BUT, did what I always do when this hangover feeling comes on, have my breakfast, (also my complan drink now ) then go and clean my kitchen, distract myself and the hangover feeling does go. Still felt horrible becauase of the cold, but HAY, its only a cold and believe me, a cold viruse feels good to me LOL sound strange, well, if you know how anxiety can feel a cold viruse is a good feeling, Mmm well thats how I think LOL

YOU look after yourself Zee, :hugs:

Thank you for letting us know how your doing, :yesyes:

You doing really well, keep up the good work


Hazel B
27-09-10, 19:38
I'm eating smaller amounts more often, stabilised at 55kg ( I was 68kg before), I'm so pleased. Thanks all for the tips.

27-09-10, 19:54
Hi Hazel :D:hugs:

You have every right to be pleased with yourself, :yesyes:

I feel its hard either way, if you wish to loose weight or gain it.

I need to go in search off the net, to find some healthier menus. I would like at least 10 healthy, balanced nutritious meals, so I can rotate them, anyone got any ideas of nutritious meals?

I did search the web for myself, but its like rocked science, :roflmao:

To much of this is no good for you, not enough of this, ohh blimey

I want to learn how to eat well, so I can feel well.

I am panic, high anxiety free, but there is still some underlining stuff there, so, ME THINKS, my lack of nutrition, just may have something to do with it. Mmm what do you all think?



Hazel B
27-09-10, 20:01
Thanks, it's a right struggle as a plate of food makes me feel sick, I know it's the anxiety.
I don't like cooking and am rubbish with recipes, but I can say:

Stay off caffeine: tea, coffee, energy drinks, coke
Avoid processed foods: ready meals, take aways, anything "pre-prepared"
Have 5 portions of fruit and veg a day (yuk!)
Have oats and turkey in your diet (not on the same plate, they're good for mood)
Avoid too many fizzy drinks and restrict alcohol
Have the balance of protein, fats and carbs and make sure you have enough iron
Anyone out there recommend good recipes/links? Ta.

06-10-10, 21:04
How is everyone doing ??

For the past week or so my weight has just been the same. Im eating about 1400 cals and burning off at least 400 round the house or dog walking.
Has anyone had days with this weight loss when they are really hungry and then other times its a struggle to eat.. I expect that goes along with higher anxiety days ?
Now I need tips on how to stop weighing myself 2 times a day and also recording every calorie. It takes any enjoyment out of eating doesnt it

Hazel B
07-10-10, 11:52
I'm still at 55kg and feeling more hungry now, before the sight of food made me feel queasy. I'm trying to weigh myself just once a week and am now on the waiting list to have my gallbladder removed and that's helped my anxiety as the gallstone is painful.