View Full Version : Nervous about this week.

23-08-10, 22:29
Hey guys :)
I'm really nervous about this week as there's so much going on.
Firstly I have a two hour bus journey on my own to my boyfriends on Wednesday :scared15: and I'm staying over for the first time :scared15: and now my younger brother has asked me to meet him in London (on my own) and travel back to mine with him on Thursday. This means buses, trains and tubes all in one day :ohmy:
I'm not really nervous yet but I know as soon as I go to bed tonight all the worst case scenarios will race through my head, I'll start to feel sick and won't be able to sleep. :weep: Oh gosh.

24-08-10, 00:01

I think the thoughts are always worse than the actual events!!

I went to london at weekend and ended up having to get 4 trains and a bus due to enginerring works.

I was so scared before i went but it went alot better than i was thinking.

love mandie x

24-08-10, 00:08
The thoughts are always definately worse for me. But they're usually what makes me cancel my plans and then I regret it and feel worse.
Luckily I can't really cancel my plans as I can't let my boyfriend down on his birthday and I have to go get my brother.
I'll just tell myself that the journeys are an excuse to finish my book :yesyes:

I'm glad your trip to London when ok, even if it was a hassle. Your experience has helped to put my mind at ease somewhat. Thank you.

Love Brogan x

24-08-10, 11:30
Hi Brogan (love the name by the way, i wanted to call my daughter that but my ex wouldnt let me!)

Im the same re the thoughts,think thats most of the problem with the panic, but i thought no im not gonna keep cancelling things i want to do because of the flipping anx and panic!

I was never frightened by travel before my panic and i had to keep telling myself why should they frighten me now.

Good luck with the trip

love mandie x

24-08-10, 12:25
A lot of problems are caused by us going through events in our minds, and imagining all the possible ways they can go wrong! I heard a brilliant word to describe this once (can't remember where) - it was "catastrophising"!

When I have a nerve-racking event coming up (like a presentation at work, or a gig with my band) I find it helps to relax, and visualise myself in the situation, feeling relaxed and confident, and seeing everything go to plan really well!

Then when I face the real situation, I often find I am unusually calm, and everything falls into place!

This works for me, 9 times out of 10!

24-08-10, 12:27
Thank you, I'm not keen on it but that's probably because I've grown tired of explaining to people that's it not my last name lol.
I was never frightened of travel before either. I used to travel alone loads and I enjoyed it.

Thank you for your replies, they are very comforting.
Love Brogan x

24-08-10, 12:31
A lot of problems are caused by us going through events in our minds, and imagining all the possible ways they can go wrong! I heard a brilliant word to describe this once (can't remember where) - it was "catastrophising"!

That's a good word for it, I think I shall start using that one. I did half the journey last week and that went perfectly fine. In fact it didn't take as long as I thought it would so I will use that experience to tell myself why should tomorrow be any different.

Thank you for your reply :)