View Full Version : Who Do You Think You Are?

23-08-10, 23:43
Was watching the programme on BBC1 this evening when my friend turned to me and said, "So, who do YOU think you are?"

"An optimistic pessimist," I replied. Why you may ask. Apparently I can attribute it to making my bed up in the morning because people that do are optimists by nature...

'chuckle chuckle'

Pooh :winks:

24-08-10, 00:47
:sign20: thats good I ,ll try to remember that one ..x tvm .Sue x

jude uk
24-08-10, 05:19
optimist is how I would describe myself. I always believe things will work out for the best no matter what I am going through. I never make my bed. thats what my house staff are for pooh. When I am at my girl friends I do make the bed there and wash the dishes.....modern man or do I hope I will get brownie points later hehe

24-08-10, 06:37
I'm a procrastinating optimist!
I'll start being more positive tomorrow...................maybe :)

24-08-10, 12:10
PMSL Sandy!