View Full Version : I hate this!!!!!!!!!

24-08-10, 02:15
Today was going so well for me at work and at the gym felt fine all day. Ran 1.5 miles, did push ups and set ups and felt fine. Now since i am home tonight the shallow breaths, dizzyness, and weakness throughout body are happening. I keep telling myself outloud everything is ok and i will be fine and its just my panic and overactive nervous symptom.

Its hard for me to type this right now too, i am shaking and it sux i just want it to go away, no matter how hard i train myself and stay positive it does not go away:weep: Why? why wont it just leave when i do recognize it as a symptom of panic and not a health issue? Why do i still feel the symptoms and feel so terrible?

Another question i have, can a lack of sleep overtime make you have a overactive nervous symptom? Will getting enough rest help get rid of it.

I can not see my psychiatrist until the 27th of Sep and that is so very far away and i do not have any meds either. I have to wait and see him to get diagnosed.

I am just so tired of feeling like i am on my last rope with no hope. Please help me in telling me why???? :weep::weep::weep:

24-08-10, 23:06
Today was going so well for me at work and at the gym felt fine all day. Ran 1.5 miles, did push ups and set ups and felt fine. Now since i am home tonight the shallow breaths, dizzyness, and weakness throughout body are happening. I keep telling myself outloud everything is ok and i will be fine and its just my panic and overactive nervous symptom.

Its hard for me to type this right now too, i am shaking and it sux i just want it to go away, no matter how hard i train myself and stay positive it does not go away:weep: Why? why wont it just leave when i do recognize it as a symptom of panic and not a health issue? Why do i still feel the symptoms and feel so terrible?

Another question i have, can a lack of sleep overtime make you have a overactive nervous symptom? Will getting enough rest help get rid of it.

I can not see my psychiatrist until the 27th of Sep and that is so very far away and i do not have any meds either. I have to wait and see him to get diagnosed.

I am just so tired of feeling like i am on my last rope with no hope. Please help me in telling me why???? :weep::weep::weep:

First of all, it's great that you are exercising, because in the end that will help with being strong and healthy. I do think lack of sleep can get you pretty stressed out if it's been going on for awhile. Being tired always makes things a little more difficult to deal with. I'm not sure how long you have been going through this, but even when you start to feel better, it does take your body some time to desensitize. Hang in there and continue to take care of yourself and see what the psychiatrist says. You really are doing good.

25-08-10, 17:32
Jo I think you have answered your own question by your description of how your symptoms affect you. You have a breathing pattern disorder and the clue in your description was the shallow breathing and I bet it was slightly faster than normal at rest. You may say that would not give you such dreadful symptoms including panic attacks but let me assure you it certainly will and that alone will cause major autonomic symptoms. Dinah Bradleys book Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome will explain why you feel so dreadful and she gives you very good breathing postures and exercises to minimise the effects of overbreathing.

All of your symptoms and sensations are due to a out of balance acid base balance of your blood. It will be alkaline and this is what is giving you the awful sensations as your body is being starved of oxygen by faulty CO2 levels. It is a condition that has a high morbidity but is not dangerous.

When you see your Psychiatrist ask him about faulty breathing patterns due to anxiety as all you may need is specialised breathing execises from a respiratory physiotherapist.
I hope this puts your mind at rest.

25-08-10, 20:42
Hi Jay

Sadly you need to rest as much as play to ensure that you keep your body and mind happy, definitely lack of sleep will cause your symptoms to increase.

The exercise and work is great and I follow this routine myself but I am learning that if I don't get enough sleep that my symptoms worsen.

My wobbles come and go but mostly are manageable and are usually aggravated by other factors and I tend to feel when I am in situations that make me feel uncomfortable or stressed it is like a volcano building inside ...

Keep up the exercise routine sounds like you are doing great but ensure that you try to think through your evenings too... when you plan your day and it is active and positive that ending of it in itself can be quite daunting... so remember to think how your evening could be and that you need to incorporate resting into that ...

try to think of the feelings as adrenaline and start to push it down with your mind, breathe deeply and slowly in and out always making that exhale a little longer than your inhale... put on some relaxing music and remember that there is always someone on here that will have time to talk to you...

Best of luck to you ... panic and anxiety attacks are like climbing mount Everest .... remember they do take a lot of nervous energy to get through... take that calm down and rest as seriously as you take the exercise ...

I am addicted to the buzz of exercise now but believe me we need it all equally x