View Full Version : headpresure

24-08-10, 05:35
hi everyone iam back again iam have the most awfull head presure this has been for 4 days stright with no relief iam haven high anx right now iam also so dizzy allday .......and my eyes started to go funny like alittle blurry i havet been to doc cause he always tells me its anx,,, and i dont belive it because even when i feel good i still have the head presure feeling this is taken over my life i cant do anything because iam so dizzy iam sceard iam dieing slowly and doc just cant find the cause ....i also have depersonliztion real bad too and i cant think clearly anymore please if anyone every had this head preaure pm me or just comment on this post thanks so much tc all...

24-08-10, 05:41
Hi Jess

As you will tell from the thread i posted I am with you hun, I know exactly what you mean as I'm feeling the exact same. It is so frustrating :doh: and feels so terribly. I remember my doctor told me that the anxiety does affect our sight and I read that in my Claire Weeks books also. My eyes are pretty blurry and feel really heavy and sore just like they want to close. Makes it very hard when I have to try and drive. I know the answer is to just let these symptoms happen and not worrry and fret over them but that is so hard :huh:. The only thing I can offer is that you're not alone and I understand perfectly. Hopefully we get some relief soon.

Take care

24-08-10, 05:45
ty for ur reply hun i need some reasurence thanks so much .....this is driving me mad

24-08-10, 06:01
Yes it is so frustrating. Its like the minute I wake up in the morning I become aware of it and how I get ready for work I have no idea. I'm going to try and have a relaxing bubble bath tonight but I know it won't be relaxing because i'll be stressing, feeling unreal all the while :blush:. Ah well i'm determined to give it my best shot.

Take care hun

24-08-10, 07:14
Hi Jess

Hope you don't mind me posting again but i just found this snippet from Claire Weekes re blurry vision, thought it might help to alleviate some of your fears :yesyes:

mentally fatigued person may say his mind feels enveloped in a blanket, feels dull, heavy, thick. This may be aggravated by blurred vision (yes!), and perhaps a tendency to stagger slightly (yes!). Some say they feel as if a good hard crack on the head would clear it. Yes! http://www.power-surge.com/php/forums/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

Thanks hun

24-08-10, 15:43
hun does it ever go away or will feel like this for ever .....does it come along with anx

24-08-10, 18:35

I have this at moment and the depersonalisation. Its so horrid. I feel light headed, spaced out and not here!!

This makes my anxiety even worse!

Feel like i wanna open my head and clear it!!

love mandie x

25-08-10, 03:45
Hi Jess

Well hun I had it really badly about 20 years ago. I thought that I would have it forever but it did go. I'm not sure how it went lol but it did and although i've suffered it on and off a little over the years, this time around its feels as bad as it did the first go. I have to have hold on to the hope that it will go again. I think we just have to try and relax with it and try to cope even whilst we're experiencing these horrid feelings. So not easy I know but we're in it together :yesyes:.

PM me if you need to hun


19-09-10, 05:02
Thanks for all the replys

19-09-10, 05:07
Hope you are feeling better knowing there are people here to talk with.

19-09-10, 10:55
Hi, I've had this head pressure for 2 years now, it sometimes gets so bad that I really honestly believe that my head could pop and I would suffer a stroke but no I'm still here, still alive and I even went abroad in July absolutely certain an underlying anuerysm would burst with the air pressure but no I survived. I don't understand why I still get it on a dailybasis even at times when I'm not consciously worried but it gets on my nerves so much, if it would just go away then all of my other symptoms would go away and I would be normal but I'm in a vicious circle, I still believe it will harm me which keeps the sensation going which worries me which heightens it and it just goes round and round. Please feel free to pm because I know exactly what you are going through xxxxx

19-09-10, 13:56
I have this from time to time, I saw a neurologist and an osteopath, the osteopath believes my neck muscles are tight and tapping or trapping my occipital nerves, which can do all kinds of weird and wonderful things to your head and the neurologist also believes it is occipital neuralgia brought on by the spasm or tension in the muscles in my neck. Do you lovely people have tense necks?