View Full Version : Shaky feeling. Mind running riot and getting myself into a panic again.

Natalie x
24-08-10, 09:21
Hi. Today and last night I have been getting a weird shaky feeling in my legs and also the rest of my body. I'm so scared that I'm going to have a fit or that these are mini fits. You may have seen my posts about my eye - well now I'm thinking what if it is connected to that and these are fits? Please someone reply. Thanks x

24-08-10, 09:31
I'm gettin this today! Had my first bad panic attack in probably 2 months last night, and I'm feelin the aftermath today. My legs are shaky and also feel like theyre gonna cramp up, my torso feels like its quivering inside, I feel like I've got something BIG lodged in my throat and my hearts all fluttery. Waitin for the massive rush of adrenaline that sets me off badly to come ;( Hope it doesn't though cuz I'm alone today.!

I get problems with my left eye too, sometimes when I wake up it hurts wen I move it around all day until I wake up the next day. Also get a lot of headaches around my left eye. I also get this little black spot appear sometimes but if I try to look at it it goes away! Grr.. I get panicky I have a tumor behind my eye cuz of that too but in all honesty I think I need glasses. My anx tells me I have a tumor though! Spose it takes time out from worryin bout my heart lol.

Anx can make us feel damn awful as I'm rememberin today! I used to get these headrushes when I was lyin in bed that made me feel like I was gonna have a fit, neva did though! xxxx

Natalie x
24-08-10, 09:37
Hi Emma. Thanks for your reply. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Does your head every feel fuzzy or shaky with it? I'm getting this right now and this is one of the factors which is scaring me. I suppose that you would know if you were having a fit though. You wouldn't be able to remember anything. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who shares the fear about a tumor behind my eye. What sort of problems do you have with your eyes? x

24-08-10, 09:44
My left one feels bigger than the other one if I touch them (eyes closed obv) like it's stickin out more, it hurts sometimes all day when I move it around, I get a black spot in the left eye that just appears but I can never look at it cuz if I try to it vanishes (I get that a lot), I get bad headeaches around that eye, I get the fuzzy/shakey feeling in the left side of my head/face. OMG and sometimes my eye like vibrates. Like twitches horribly like its spasming so horrible. xxx

Edit! Like the actual eyeball vibrates not my whole eye, like it dont make me close my eye or anything and it isnt noticeable but I can feel it if you get me xx

Natalie x
24-08-10, 09:47
That's exactly what mines feels like too when I concentrate on it. I wear glasses for on the computer and watching tv etc. and have only started wearing them more. Hopefully that will help. Do you ever get a cold shaky shiverry feeling? I'm so scared that I'm going to have a fit or something. x

24-08-10, 09:51
Hmm, I get a weird feelin like my insides are freezin cold, like the feelin you get when you drink cold water an can feel it goin down an that makes me shake but not often. You will be ok xxx

Natalie x
24-08-10, 10:12
I just get the chilly feeling sometimes, like when I feel shaky then I feel liek a cold chill going through me. I hope that I will be okay. I'm just tryign not to think about it x

24-08-10, 11:00
Hi Emma. Thanks for your reply. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Does your head every feel fuzzy or shaky with it? I'm getting this right now and this is one of the factors which is scaring me. I suppose that you would know if you were having a fit though. You wouldn't be able to remember anything. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who shares the fear about a tumor behind my eye. What sort of problems do you have with your eyes? x

Natalie, when you have this do you feel like your face is itchy?

Im asking becuase i get al lthe things you describe and an itchy nose and top lip! Bizarre


Natalie x
24-08-10, 11:06
Hi Lisa. No I've not really noticed if I do to be honest! x

24-08-10, 15:58
Hey Natalie

I've had epilepsy for a long time and yes you do know it, but I can assure you that you remember them as well!

I also have non-epileptic seizures due to stress and anxiety, and they have much the same symptoms as what you are describing apart from the fact I can go blind and/or deaf as well.
Shakiness especially shaky legs is an absolute classic sign of anxiety.

I also have visual disturbances, I can look at something, look away and the object is still there (afterimages), I also see flashes of light and black round circles. I'm finally managing to accept them, and as I now know they are not part of my epilepsy I get far less stressed by them than before.
If you can accept that they are part of your anxiety it is possible that you wont find them so scary and your anxiety will settle down a bit.