View Full Version : anyone feel shaky in mornings

27-02-06, 11:24
hi guys when i wake up i tend to have this shaky feeling like i dunno whats coming next and it worries me that my limbs r giving way or blood is flowing properly, i sometimes also get strain in my eyes when i wake up like a tension feeling that u get in your neck but this time at the back of my eyes, all i keep thinking is tumours blood clots, i banged my head back in september and it came out like a goose egg and went down with bruising etc within 2 weeks my doc reassures me its not clotting from that and i dont need an mri or ct but i told him i feel lightheaded alot and he said its because of your worry and breathing, can anyone relate to this where they dont believe there doc and they think they are dying of an illness no doc can pin point and the symptoms in the morning. I DONT WANT TO DIE and rite now i have no hope that i will survive and that one day my time will be up please help someone

27-02-06, 11:25
i ment my blood ISNT flowing properly- sorry guys

27-02-06, 11:53

I felt shakey as soon as I woke up for about a year - and I'm still here!

I feel my anxiety mostly by muscles spasm and shakes down my right hand side, although I do have and have had other symptoms too. I think several of us suffer badly upon waking because we have no distraction at nightime, whereas during the day we can get on and do things to distract us. That is why our symptoms can be so much worse in the morning, or even can wake us as night.

How do you feel once you get up, and perhaps you have been forced up early - do you recover better once up?

GP's are well known for not understanding anxiety and so not knowing what causes your suffering certainly points to something psychological rather than physical and life threatening.

I'm sure you'll be OK.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-02-06, 12:54
hi sorry your feeling bad .i did a post not that long ago about the morning feeling.i get it really bad if i get up to quick or early i feel shaky faint breathless and sick.i sit down and it goes.what i find helps is sitting up on my bed in the morning for about 5 mins and moving my legs it gets the blood flowing.my doc says its prob my blood pressure not rising quick enough because ive jumped out of bed .not dangerous but it usually caused by tension that makes our bodies react slower to waking up. try not to worry i have had this for over a year now. take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

27-02-06, 13:49
Katy I can feel like this too sometimes, and funnily enough have done just over the past few days.

If you have eaten so you know its not a blood sugar thing, then I think we have to try not to be scared by it and treat it like any of the other unpleasent symptoms. Distract ourselves!!!!!:)

Love Piglet xxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-02-06, 14:02
thanks guys, eventually when i wake up i dont feel so bad but i still feel the tension and strain in my eyes i suppose i should realise i wont die and i will get thru this i just want people to tell me YES YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM ANXIETY AND NOT A TERMINAL ILLNESS.

01-03-06, 17:30
I wake up a little nervous and with my heart racing every single day. I have just learned to ignore it and I am fine after I get up.

I have learned to not let all the tricks anxiety tries to play on me scare me. I just pass through it. It really really works, and also staying away from stimulants helps a ton.


03-03-06, 01:38
hey there sorry to hear your not happy right now! I get this problem also... i wake up and try and grab a drink by my bedside and can visably see my hand shaking alot and its really wierd. I suffer from anxiety and i get it every morning it soon settles once im up and gotten something to eat and stuff. I believe it doesn't have anything to do with blood flow... when blood flow is restricted from any area it generally goes numb like how you wake up sometimes and you have been sleeping on your arm and it wont move!

My eyes hurt right now... just feels like pressure i also get that feeling at the back of my eyes, im not sure what it is but its nothing serious. It could be tension or fatigue but its very annoying and can be quite painful.

I go to the doctors alot and feel as though they dont take me serious, and when they say worry it should be what i want to hear, because its nothing serious, but i dont believe it at all. The trouble with anxiety and people who have health anxiety is, if theres a 1 in a million chance you might get something... YOU are that 1. This is just how our minds work. However unlikely or unrational something is. Feeling lightheaded is such a horrible feeling to put up with, with anxiety and worry probly my least favourite... but its all about breathing... with worry its not about blood flow its about oxygen... because when you worry you breath incorrectly or hyperventalate and you might not even know your doing it! Best thing is to practise breathing into your abdomen nice and slowly and keep telling yourself its nothing serious you can and will go on.

Hope things get better for you! Might be an idea to seek some counsilling to help you deal with your worries etc.


Never say never, opps said it twice..

03-03-06, 07:25
THis has nothing to do with your head bump 5 months ago.

Eat last thing at night and first thing in am, get up as soon as you wake up and get going doing something active.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?