View Full Version : Achy Body in a Morning and Feel Shaky

24-08-10, 10:49

Just wondered if anyone else wakes up and feels like they have run a marathon the day before?

Every morning every part of me aches and hurts for the first hour or so of being awake and seems to get better as the day goes on.


24-08-10, 10:54
Yep! Comes with bein tense all the time from anx. I had a rly bad day wiv it yesterday an woke up this mornin feelin all ouchie and just...bleh xxx

24-08-10, 10:58
Oh Yes I get this too.

I feel like i dont get any good quality sleep at all. Its like i have to sleep loads of hours to feel even a little bit refreshes like i used to before anxiety.

The achyness seems sto ease off as day goes on. Its like when i first get up i feel like i have been sleeping in the floor or somethng.

Do either of you guys feel like they always remember your dreams when your like this?


24-08-10, 10:59
Yea lol!. Is always worse when I've had a really vivid dream! xxx

24-08-10, 11:03
Thanks for the replies guys, its horrible isnt it! my arms always feel really tense with this too. No matter how many times i tell my self its anxiety it doesnt stop the worrying about it.

I dont really dream to be honest or not that i can remember anyway. doesnt matter how much sleep i manage either always feel the same regardless of 2 hours or 10 hours.

24-08-10, 11:08
The dream thing is interesting because apparently you only rememeb your dreams if you wake up while your having it so its like we wake up loads during the night and therefore dont get a sound sleep. Anxiety causes that.

The anxiety and tension during the day is definately what causes it. If i have a bad few days then the achey sleep thing gets worse. With me though the achey sleep thing freaks me out and so makes me worry during the day even more and so the cycle goes on!!

My monthly cycle seems to bother the whole thing a lot too. I find i get the acheyness more at certain times of the month too.

Do you guys get any IBS stuff too?


24-08-10, 12:27
Yes to everything thats already being said. I have very vivid dreams all night long and wake up alot but I have done this for as long as I can remember - I wish that I was like my husband who sleeps like a log never wakes up and can't remember any dreams.
I find the longer I am in bed the more stiff and painful I am in the mornign so if I go to bed very late and up early I don't hurt as much. Maybe I need to sleep stood up in corner of the room:D

24-08-10, 16:36
I wake up some morning and feel like I can barely lift my arms even though I haven't been working out. It sucks and I hope it is all anxiety.