View Full Version : Newbie needs a bit of assistance

24-08-10, 12:06
Hi, I'm new to the site after surfing for help with panic attacks, so it's great to actually get to talk to real, all be it, internet people :D

A bit about me... Well i'm in my late 30's and up until about 6 months ago had only had one panic attack which was when I was a teenage and then without warning I've had a few.. They only last a few minutes but completely bugger up anything I'm doing, hence my request of help:

They always happen just before (and I mean seconds) I start a presentation. I've been doing presentations and speaking in front of people for years and never had a problem (infact I quite enjoy it). Trouble is i'm now starting to affect my work as I now dread any public speaking or large meetings incase it happens.

My throat tightens, I can't speak, I'm breathless, and because it happens just as I stand up I can't even excuse myself for a minute to regain my composure.

So any suggestions on how I can get over this or relax? I'm fine and can control it all whilst waiting to stand up but it seems to happen just as people expect me to speak.

Sorry for the rambling but I've a presentation to give this afternoon and I'm bricking it!

24-08-10, 13:00
Hey there sorry to hear you're suffering with these damn panics,i find a breathing method helps me.You breath right into your tummy for 7 then breathe out for 11 hold for a few seconds then do it again until you feel more relaxed.Also try holding your breath for ten seconds for a few times and that will stop your the adrenaline coursing round your body.You need to practise it first well before your presentation.I really hope this works for you.
Ali xxx

Vanilla Sky
24-08-10, 13:55
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

24-08-10, 22:55
Does your heart pound also? Some people will take a small amount of a beta blocker before having a presentation - it brings down the heart rate and aldo will calm you some. They are not additive.

25-08-10, 08:16
Thanks guys, yes, my heart races, so much so it hurts my chest, it feels like it must be doing around 200bpm.

As it happened we ran out of time in the meeting so I didn't do my presentation but Im now thinking it might have been better to do it, deal with it straight on (but I guess it's all well and good saying that now). I'm starting to stress about next month when it'll be due already and I know I'll be twice as bad and I'll be twice as nervous thus bringing on a panic attack in itself.

I guess I better book an appointment with my GP now as it's starting to impact my daily life. I'm concentrating on my breathing all the time, which is driving me nuts, and I can feel myself winding 'me' up as a result too.

25-08-10, 09:52
Hi Foo, perfectly natural feeling anxious before presentations/meetings etc, so don't think you are going mad. But you are in good company if you are! lol :winks:

Beta blockers, go and see your GP, these lower your heart rate. Also, have a look at natural remedies, have a google, go into your local health shop, have a chat with the staff in the shop, there are lots of things around that could help you. Just make sure you are ok to take whatever natural remedy you might buy.

Also, does your firm offer courses on public speaking/presentations? My sister went on one of these, did her confidence wonders! If they don't, look up your local college re courses, they will do them, courses on confidence re presentations etc, this could help you as well. Good luck hun! xx

25-08-10, 12:32
I always worry about PAs during a presentation at work (or gig with my band). As I said in another post, I find it helps to visualise the event going well before hand.

I take a low dose of proprananol before these events, and I'm sure it helps

I once did a presentation where, although I had been feeling calm, the agenda was running late, and there were technical problems with the slides. As my turn to speak came nearer, I started to feel more and more anxious, and started to hyperventilate.

When I stood up, my heat was racing, and when I started to speak, my voice was trembling, but I ignored it, and carried on. You know what, within maybe 15 seconds of starting to speak, I calmed down, and began to feel more confident, and the presentation went really well. Making a concious effort to speak very slowly and loudly also helps!

I have noticed a number of apparently confident, proficient speakers seems to have a nervous tremble in their voices when they start a presentation, I think this goes unnoticed by the audience, if the content is good, and they otherwise appear confident!

25-08-10, 13:55
That sounds exactly like my experiences. I've done countless presentations so it's not like it's a first time. I used to enjoy them and was always fairly confident with just the usual butterflies beforehand.

It's very strange and these attacks just seem to have come out of the blue. The first time it happened was when I was giving a presentation on my role so I was the most qualified person in the room to be doing it, and I've done it 6 or 7 times previously without any problems. Just as I stood up my heart started to race giving me chest pains and I was hyperventilating so much I couldn't speak. I ended up having to excuse myself by coughing and go and get a drink of water. As soon as I did that, once back in the room it went like clockwork, but I didn't half feel like an idiot.

Spoke to my boss afterwards and he said it was fine and we all suffer from jitters from time to time so he was great. I just wish I knew why it's started to happen. I'm getting really angry with myself as this just isn't me...