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27-02-06, 12:37
I've felt horrendous for the last 3 years. At the moment I'm at the phase of obsessing about death everyday. I'm scared of everything. I read about Paul Gascoigne, Kerry Katona or Robbie Williams talking in the papers about how depressed they are and how they go to Arizona for rehab and I think 'I couldn't fly', 'I couldn't go that far away from home, I'd have an horrendous panic attack'.
I feel that in every part of my life I am in a lose-lose situation. I really hate my job, but I can't leave because there is no other work about and even if I found another job I'd feel scared because it's new and they might expect something from me. I have trouble with my girlfriend, but I can't finish it because I'll be really lonely and i haven't got any friends. I'm scared of living and I'm scared of dying.
I do try and reason with myself. I know things are going a lot better for me now. I've got some idea of the direction that I want to go in, I'm developing interests. I've taken up an unpaid role as Social Coordinator at my local health club. I'm more confident in many ways than I used to be.
My biggest problems are feeling unreal. I've had it really bad in the past and now it's just slightly there, but it's disturbing. Obsessing about death is pretty bad too. If it isn't my own death then it's a loved one. Every night when I come in from work I brace myself ready to be told that someone has died. I have all the normal health anxieties about having a heart attack etc. I have the despair that I will never be happy, that I will never be able to do the things that normal people do like having kids, going on holidays and a place of my own. I feel miserable because I find it really difficult to get enjoyment from anything. I'm generally reall tense, anxious, panicky and hysterical. I get sweaty palmed just sitting here on the computer. One of the worst things though is not wanting to accept the way things are: the nature of life and death, the world. I worry about the world stopping spinning. I feel like I don't want to play this game.

The wierd thing is that I know I've been worse than this in many ways. I used to go for long walks around the block to try and burn off the adrenaline of a panick attack. I used to hide anything sharp from myself in case the sight of it caused me to impulsively hurt someone with it. I used to wear gloves in the house because I had an urge to pull my eye out. But then, at the same time, I was able to drive to London without too much trouble.

I know that I'm reacting in an hysterical way and that my reaction is much bigger than the problem. I know that I just have to accept things and try my best to live in the here and now, it's just so difficult.

I find it really frustrating that I have faced so many of my fears (and there was nothing to it), but I'm still so afraid of doing those things.

I'm really thinking of doing hypnotherapy or something.

I don't condone drugs, but I have done ecstacy (which works on Seratonin) and it was amazing how all my aches and strains disappeared and how much more lively I was. They really should find a way of making the drug safe for depressives, because I've had Prozac and I had an horrendous time on that. The one thing that taking E says to me is that feeling so achy is as much to do with your state of mind as anything.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

27-02-06, 12:51
hi there. ive been suffering with panic and anxiety for 6 months now and everyday i dread getting up to be greeted by this unwell feeling of lightheadedness and no energy and a buttergfly type feeing and sometimes shaky. i dont wanna go out incase i pass out i hate going to work incase i pass out im scared everyday is my last im only 22 and i used to be a performer but now i couldnt think of anything worse than being on stage. when i tell my SO CALLED FRIENDs about this they tell me to stop being stupid and get on with life, but when you feel that all you wanna do is lie down and wait for the next day to come cause your greatful to be living you feel it the only way to get by. do you understand where im coming from? Im scared of going for a bath or shower and lockin the door incase something happens to me i collapse and never wake up and no one can get in to get me. what symptoms do you get? i get a strain in my eyes too like a tension feeling like you get in the back of your neck its wierd to explain IM scared to but we can help each other and hopefully others can help us. how old are you?

take care

27-02-06, 16:16

Welcome to the forum,

Your not alone in how you feel by any means & your in the right place to pick up, support & help.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 18:32

Welcome to NMP!

Your obviously having a very difficult time at the moment and need a lot of support. There are alternative therapies you can look for in combating depression which could ease the feelings and the aches and pains. This is a much better solution than trying hard core drugs which can only do m ore harm than good

Use NMP as a support to you and read other parts of the forum about medication and healing

Take good care

Sue with 5


28-02-06, 10:33

I've just turned 30. I have so many various symptoms. I love films, but I find it really difficult to watch anything other than comedies at the moment because I start feeling really anxious and panicky with thrillers or action movies. I guess that just shows how suggestable I am!

I'm here at the moment, wringing my hands, sweaty palms, shallow breathing, feeling sick in my stomach. My fiancee is feeling very insecure because I don't want to commit to getting married in Cyprus, buying a place and having children. Flying is one of the worst things for making me panic, the last time I flew I had an (almost) overwhelming urge to open the door and get out. Being away from home makes me panic. The responsibility of being a husband, a father and a homeowner makes me panic. I very often wish I'd never been born and I have problems with the concept of 'life', so, while I feel so unsure, I don't want to bring any new life into the world.
She does try to push me and, in some ways that's a good thing, because I have to face my fears rather than backing away from them. But I just wish she'd be more supportive in the way she does it. It's all threats, manipulation and shouting. I don't need it and I don't think that I'm really happy, but the thought of being alone is really depressing and scary.
My family and my so called friends didn't understand either. Before I became ill my personality changed, I felt very desperate and I wasn't a nice person. I borrowd a lot of money, i did drugs, I was arrogant (to cover chronic lack of confidence and deep self-loathing), I was obnoxious. I can kind of see that I pissed people off to such an extent that they didn't want to know me anymore, but once I admitted that I had a problem it would have been nice for them to give me a second chance.
Looking back, I can see that I've always been quite depressed and that scares me, because I think that I always will be depressed. I'm trying to be a lot more proactive these days and I do have more direction and more interests. I think maybe the things that are keeping me depressed are that I don't have many friends at the moment, I hate my job, but I'm still there, I don't feel in a good situation with my fiancee and I'm letting fear rule me too much.
The wierd thing is that I can see through so many of my problems, I know that they're not real, but it's hard to really believe it and to feel balanced and grounded.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

28-02-06, 10:57

One step at a tome hun. Sounds like your mind is racing all over the shop. Just deal with one thing at a time & believe me you will feel a difference.
As you say your not watching thrillers/horrors because of the way you feel fair enough. There will come at time when you will be able to watch them again.
You & your fiancee need to talk about how you feel & you will probably find she to needs to get somethings out in the open that have been on her mind to.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart