View Full Version : What to do?

24-08-10, 12:13
I have been guilt tripped into going 300 miles away from home to see a relative.

This has been causing significant distress and making me have panic attacks. We are meant to leave tomorrow morning, what to do?

I went to the shopping centre today and had a panic attack, I find it hard to be more than a few miles from home with panic :(

24-08-10, 12:18
Explain how you're feeling to your other relatives.

24-08-10, 12:21
I have but they keep saying 'oh come on, it doesn't matter snap out of it' and 'your granny is 94, she was really disappointed when you didn't go to see her last time and what if something happens to her'

Major guilt tripping.

24-08-10, 12:42
Is a tough one. Suggest sitting down and having a right good chat with your family about how you're feeling. A bit of gentle pushing in right direction can be helpful but not if it's gonna make you worse.

24-08-10, 16:23
I tried that as well, my parents just shouted at me :(

Please, any more advice?