View Full Version : ummmmmmm please someone answer. xx

24-08-10, 16:24
Can you please help,
Can you get pregnant any time off the month or only when ovulation?????
Ive been off the pill nearly 6 months now and havent got pregnant im 37 aswell!!!

Oh my god i really thought you could get pregnant any time!:huh:
Small steps all the way

24-08-10, 16:29
Hi, Im confused, are you pregnant or want to become pregnant? As far as I know it is usually more likely around mid cycle but it is also possible to become pregnant at any time of the month.

24-08-10, 16:34
it is possible to become pregnant at any time of the month but only after you have ovulated - did they teach you that in school lol?! as it is the egg that is fertilised by the sperm. the reason why you could technically become pregnant at any time of the month is because everyone's menstrual cycle is different and some women ovulate around a week after their period - for others its more like two weeks. Some women find that it takes a long time for them to have a period after coming off the pill. i would do a test to see if you are pregnant. if you are trying for a baby then 6 months is not a long time in the scheme of things. most gp's advise trying for a year before getting checked out x

24-08-10, 16:34
you have to be ovulating to become pregnant,i think if u have a 28 day cycle you should ovulate around days 12 to 14 into your cycle,i had fertility treatment with my first child who i didnt have until i was 33,then another came along when i was 36 then my baby came along 2 yrs ago when i was 43!! ,i remember them telling me to try from about day 9 or 10 of cycle ,as i think sperm can live for so many hours(dont quote me on that though) to maximise chances the sperm would catch an egg if i ovulated.but if u have irregular periods its very hard to judge when you would be ovulating, you can buy kids from the chemist that predicts ovulation

24-08-10, 16:34
Hi, Being that bit older, it is likely to take longer, or you may wish to visit the doctor for tests etc. if worried.

24-08-10, 16:39
you have to be ovulating to become pregnant,i think if u have a 28 day cycle you should ovulate around days 12 to 14 into your cycle,i had fertility treatment with my first child who i didnt have until i was 33,then another came along when i was 36 then my baby came along 2 yrs ago when i was 43!! ,i remember them telling me to try from about day 9 or 10 of cycle ,as i think sperm can live for so many hours(dont quote me on that though) to maximise chances the sperm would catch an egg if i ovulated.but if u have irregular periods its very hard to judge when you would be ovulating, you can buy kids from the chemist that predicts ovulation
We can buy kids from the Chemist?? I never knew that!

24-08-10, 16:55
lol i meant kits ,that will teach me to proof read my typing ,:roflmao:

24-08-10, 17:13
It could take a long time to get pregnant - sometimes years. There is no set time for things to happen.

Cornishmaid - that made me laugh lol

24-08-10, 18:30
stress will effect your chances of getting pregnant too. I suggest you take some time out and practise relaxation and meditation.

25-08-10, 09:05
Thank you for your replys ladies. xxx

25-08-10, 09:08
ha ha ha cornishmaid that made me laugh! just off to boots now to buy a baby! ha ha ha.

25-08-10, 09:11
lol sharon, it made me laugh too :D

25-08-10, 09:45
Im still having a little titter to myself. he he he:D

25-08-10, 19:41

I brought the book "taking charge of your fertility" by Toni Weschler - you can buy it on amazon and I just read the chapters about signs of ovulation and I fell pregnant in the first month of trying - well worth the money and it has good reviews too - fingers crossed for you!


25-08-10, 19:44
Ah thank you Constantworrier418. xxxxxx:)

26-08-10, 11:34
Even more positive feedback is that my sister was on the verge of going for IVF after two years of trying and her husband's sperm had low mobility and I lent her the book and she is currently 34 weeks pregnant!!!

It's really worth every penny - I thought I knew when I could fall and this booked made me realise I clearly didn't but I now have a beautiful baby girl so I really hope it works for you to - let me know if it does xxxxx

26-08-10, 13:17
wow thats excellent news about your sister!
i will have to get the book for deffo if nothing happens soon.