View Full Version : Convinced I have liver cancer

24-08-10, 16:33
For several weeks I have been having very dry and peeling skin on my right hand and some raised dry red bumps on my left hand. Lotion helps but nothing makes them go away. I have also been having lots of nausea, fatigue and weakness and I feel like my forearms are thinner than they used to be even though I haven't lost any weight. My hair seems drier than usual and what I hope is just IBS is going crazy. My GERD is really acting up and I can no longer control my thoughts. I made the mistake of googling my symptoms and I now feel convinced that the end is nigh and I have liver cancer. I had a CBC and blood chemistry last week but I won't get the results for several more days. This just adds to my pain.

Some background: I am a 39 yr old male that has long suffered with HA. I have GERD and IBS and I am jumping out of my skin right now with anxiety. I am not currently medicated because I am afraid of side effects. I am thinking of going to a doctor and just asking for a few days worth of xanax just to give my body a break.

If anyone could help me out with some reassurance or just to talk to me I would appreciate it more than you will ever know.


24-08-10, 20:06
right first things first, most of your symptoms are classic anxiety symptoms, you know googling is a nightmare and should never be really consulted for diagnosis! A few things about liver cancer jaundice is usually the first symptoms as well as extreme weight loss!! Also one stat in 2008 in the age range of 35-39 only 26 people were diagnosed with liver cancer in the uk out of roughly 1.8 million male people in that age range !! it is usually over 50 when it explodes!! Calm down and more importantly try and break the cycle, i find that when i get anxious playing the odds calms me down, good luck and remember the mind can make you beleive anything!!

25-08-10, 10:21
Hey bullybeef is dead right. Your are feeling symptoms becuase your really anxious and your caught in the fear loop without a doubt.

You got to go get involved in your life more just now to ride this anxious time through.

Anxiety makes your skin dry. Norepiniphrine that is the anxiety hormone constricts your blood vessils which makes less moistrure get to your skin.Especially extremities like hands. I have lots more dry skin since my super anxious episodes. Especially hands and feet.

Thinner forearms? maybe you do maybe you dont, it doesnt matter. its most likely your perception of your forearms thats changing becuase of anxiety. The problem isnt your symtoms its how you are feeling about them.

Best thing is to try to break the obsessional worry loop your cuaght up in by just simply 'not playing'. Like i said go and get really involved in your lifew....push yourself to do it for at least a week and see where you are at then. I bet its loads better though!!


25-08-10, 14:15
Oh how I wish I could turn it off. I am having a better day today but I can't fully escape my mind. I just get so tired, both physically and emotionally. If I can make it for a few more days and my blood test results come back fine, I think I will be good for a while. I appreciate what you guys are saying and I know you are right. Thanks

25-08-10, 23:04
trust me. i assure you it is NOT liver cancer.