View Full Version : DVT WORRY

24-08-10, 18:06
I'm on the contraceptive pill Yasmin and as you know this increases the risk of developing a blood clot in the leg.

I am very worried as I am starting to feel a dull ache daily in my left calf along with a sharp stabbing pain. I don't know if it is muscular or DVT related.
I am worrying myself sick as usual and everytime I feel the pain again I feel like rusing down to A&E.
I looked up the symptoms online (mistake) and again my symptoms match those of DVT exactly. It says if its travels to your lung you will feel chest pains and guess what...I have slight chest pains.

What should I do? please help!

24-08-10, 18:28
Hiya not sure if this will help or not chick i had a DVT which moved to my lung 4 years ago when i had my son and believe me if it was a DVT you would know about it the pain was unbearable it started when i was in labour and no amount of gas and air or pethadine took the pain away. I was given a epidural as i had a c section and that didnt numb the pain either, it was the following day when it moved to my lungs and my main symptom was breathlessness which also was nothing like i had ever experienced and i knew something was really wrong with me.

So please try not to worry about it its probably a muscle or a nerve trapped, to put your mind at rest go get it checked but the leg usually swells up quite a lot in that area and goes very red and hot to touch.

Hope this puts your mind at rest slightly.



24-08-10, 18:47
Hiya not sure if this will help or not chick i had a DVT which moved to my lung 4 years ago when i had my son and believe me if it was a DVT you would know about it the pain was unbearable it started when i was in labour and no amount of gas and air or pethadine took the pain away. I was given a epidural as i had a c section and that didnt numb the pain either, it was the following day when it moved to my lungs and my main symptom was breathlessness which also was nothing like i had ever experienced and i knew something was really wrong with me.

So please try not to worry about it its probably a muscle or a nerve trapped, to put your mind at rest go get it checked but the leg usually swells up quite a lot in that area and goes very red and hot to touch.

Hope this puts your mind at rest slightly.



Thanks, I'm really sorry to hear about your trauma.
I am still a little worried as I can feel the pain in my leg but hoping it is nothing like you said. I am not having unbearable pain and it is intermitent (sp?) I'm not breathless but I am having chest pains - a few.

I'm more worried because somebody I knew from school died of the lung issue. She didnt even know she had DVT and just collpased because of a swelling in her arm and leg, then the next day it moved to her lung and she died :(

24-08-10, 20:27
Anybody else?

Natalie x
24-08-10, 21:09
Hiya. Try not to worry. My Mum had a blood clot in her leg just after i was born, and i have worried on many ocassions that a pain may be one. She has re-assured me lots that if you had a blood clot then you would know. It is an unbearable pain that you would know something isnt right. Hope you feel better soon and keep us updated x