View Full Version : Anyone else feel totally guilty and worthless?

24-08-10, 18:13
Although I have moved away from home now and live with my girlfriend, I still rely on my mum for stuff. She has a big habit of guilt tripping me, she is old and doesnt understand mental stuff, she has the attitide 'its in your head, snap out of it'.

That combined with my existing GAD just makes me feel worthless, useless and guilty.

An example is that I was meant to go and see my grandmother, she lives 300 miles away and I find it hard to go 3 miles. All my mum said was how I was letting her down, letting my granny down and how would I feel if something happend to her and I hadnt seen her?

Really need advice/opinions/experiences etc


24-08-10, 18:26
Unfortunately I doubt your mother will or can change, however that doesnt mean what she says has to effect you as much as it is right now.
Im sure the guilt shes putting on you is only emphasising the guilt you already feel about not doing these things. Maybe accepting that youre trying your best is the way forward?

24-08-10, 18:26
Hi uk23, You don't say why you still rely on your Mum so much? Is it just the boring things like washing and ironing? Do you think because you rely on her she thinks you have to answer to her too?
Do you think it would help being more independant from her?
You are in no way worthless or useless even though I think the same of myself sometimes! Am on line for a while if you want to talk. x

24-08-10, 18:39
Thank you

25-08-10, 09:33
I really feel for you, I know guilt is something a lot of anxiety sufferers experience maybe because we do have to depend on people more than others but this doesn't make you worthless. In our society we tend to place emphasis on DOING things which make people worthy of respect/social status etc but we really should learn to look at the heart and character more.
Your Mum just doesn't understand, maybe if she experienced a small taste of what you're going through she'd give you less of a hard time! you say your Mum is old, it seems that with age some people become more outspoken and unaware of the effect their words might have on people which is very sad :( so I think the only way forward is to find your own self worth, not depending on what people say (how to do this exactly is the hard part!)
best wishes