View Full Version : Without Pills?

24-08-10, 18:20
I have OCD as well as GAD and PD, the OCD stops me from taking pills so I have to deal with my anxiety without them, I have got to the stage where I really dont know what to do or where to turn.

I have spoken with my GP and the mental health team, they all just say I am being non-compliant and refusing treatment.

What else can I try? I currently do meditation, tai chi and eating healthy food, cut back on junk food and no caffeine or alcohol.

24-08-10, 18:24
Try asking for the smallest dose and then cut it into smaller pieces.

24-08-10, 18:31
Have you considered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? I saw some one for around a year (privately because the NHS waiting list can be quite long). It helps to change your thought process and reprogramme your mind.
It helps gradually expose you to the things which make you anxious x

24-08-10, 18:36
I tried mirtazapine but that made things really bad, i even cut the pill into 1/10 of the smallest dose!

I am now on my second course of CBT, the guy decided it was best to go through repressed memories, wow I wish I could change that choice, thats where the GAD and panic reallly started.

24-08-10, 18:45
Oh no. You really sound like you've been through the wars. The CBT therapist I saw just dealt with the here and now after a session on my
general past history.
What is it about meds that scares you? x

24-08-10, 19:27
I bet the meds issue is a fear of the side effects.I suffer very much from that fear and taking any medication other than Paracetamol gives me enormous anticipatory anxiety. Just remember that with anxiety being a behavioural disorder that medication is just a crutch and is not essential so I don't agree that you are being non compliant and I would hope your GP would give you help and support but as usual there main experience of the anxiety disorders are all book learnt and not personal experience. CBT is a useful tool but once the course is over you can relapse slightly so maybe mindfulness would be more in line for treating your set of symptoms and medication issues.