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View Full Version : A few questions - Please help if you can !

24-08-10, 19:33
Hi Everyone ,

I have put many posts prior to this one and since those posts I have felt miles better than before although a few of my symptoms still linger :)

I just wanted to know If any of you nice people have suffered with these symptoms also..

My symptoms are:-

Headache .. has this for the best part of a month .. day in and day out.. although recently it has started to fade although I still feel a slight pressure on the left of the forehead going towards my temple..

I do suffer from hayfever.. do u think this headache could be to do with siniuses.. ? I have never had it before .. but could it still be related to this .. i know im stressed and tense .. but is it a possibility?

My other symptom is my lower abdomen .. this has caused my quite a bit of discormfort.. along with the headache it has began to fade.. although getting the occasional sharp pain..

any ideas?

thanks in advance..

Adam :)

Natalie x
24-08-10, 21:02
Hi Adam. What you are describing sounds like anxiety to me. I had a headache for about 3 days constant and you can only imagine wot i was thinking. Headaches are horrible. You mention hayfever. This could be related to that and you can surf through threads on here and see that your not the only one who feels like this. It could also be your sinuses because you describe pressure which can be related to your sinuses. Have you tried sudafed? Hope this helps and you feel better soon x

Natalie x
24-08-10, 21:04
Also meant to say that the lower abdomen discomfort could be ibs. I have this and it feels horrible. This is also stress related. Damn anxiety! x

25-08-10, 03:51
Hi Adam

Yes I suffer terribly this way and also have the lower abdomen pain, I have been diagnosed with IBS. I think it tends to go hand in hand with anxiety sufferers (yay for us LOL).

Take it easy hun