View Full Version : Cold patches on hands.

24-08-10, 20:54
Hello everyone,

I have a cold patch on my hand just near my thumb it seems to be spreading across my hand and up my arm and feels tingly, it doesnt hurt so at the moment im not that worried but just need a little reassurance.
Im not sure wether its all in my head, i think it may be but im not sure, you know how it is!!
Any advice would be fantastic
Thank you very much in advance
Hannah x x

24-08-10, 21:52

Look under the "Symptoms" heading on the left of the website and it will explain all.

24-08-10, 22:37
You may be on the computer too much, I find my right hand is always elevated on the mouse so it gets cold and bloodless. If its your left hand then its not that. But whatever it is its nothing to worry about.