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24-08-10, 21:00
Hi guys! Just wanted some advice from someone. It's now been 9 months since starting mirtazapine. Since day one, all I can say is it has been one big rollercoster!!! I think it took a good few months for my body to get use to the med, but I still dont feel right. Today I was out in the car and felt as if I was going to go into some kind of phycosis or something. Most of the time I don't feel 'there', and kind of feel drugged, if you know what I mean. I've also had horrible thoughts just popping into my head!! Has anyone out there experienced this? I am on 15ml and am wondering if I need to up it or stop it all together!! Feel so low at the moment - so scared about what could be facing me tomorrow!

25-08-10, 19:44
Yes Madjam i can relate to what your saying. I also suffered from horrible intrusive thoughts when i was on mirtazapine. I was originally on 15mg but was gradually increased to 45mg over the next 17 weeks. The intrusive thoughts continued and increased whilst on this medication. I have since changed my medication under advice of my pdoc to venlafaxine and have gradually stopped the mirt. the horible thoughts have slowed down and there are days when i dont have any at all. If you are still unhappy with the mirt ask your gp for a referral to the community mental health team and let them assess you and perhaps thay will recommend you come off the mirt. Hope this helps pmrob

25-08-10, 20:48
Thank you so much for your reply! It seems to be getting worse! Was out in my car again today and had terrible feelings of not 'being or feeling there'. I feel drugged! I don't understand why i'm still getting this after 9 months. I'm glad your doing better on a different med, i'm scared to try anything else after a really bad reaction to citolapram (i think thats how you spell it).

26-08-10, 12:03
hi Madjam I have been taking mirtazapine 45mg for about a year and a half now. I experienced depersonalisation only at the very beginnning. I also had intrusive thoughts at the beginning of the treatment. Mirtazapine has worked well for me sliowly erasing my depression and improving my mood. it has also help my sleep as well. I suggest you go back to your GP and discuss your concerns with him. It sounds as if the mirtazapine does not suit you or your symptoms are breaking through your medication? The only real problem I have had with the mirt is the weight gain. EJ.

26-08-10, 12:49
Thanks EJ! I'm glad the mirtazapine suits you! It has kept my panic attacks at bay, and the high anxiety I was experiencing. However when I look at all the other stuff I have experienced while being on it - I do question weather it's worth staying on it. I must be so sensitive to drugs and the thought of withdrawel and a new drug terrifies me! I realise at the time of my high anxiety and panic attacks I was under a lot of stress and in a very demanding job. That and two little one's to look after was just too much. Still I don't know if I could go med free - anxiety has been part of my life since as long as I can remember! I'm going to have to start saving to see that wonderful physciatrist again!

26-08-10, 20:48
Hi madjam,

I have been taking mirtazipine for 6 months now, initially 15mg up to 30mg and now am trying to wean off and am currently on 15mg. I like you suffered (and still do at times) feeling like you are drugged etc but this has got better the longer I have taken it for. This drug got me out of a very dark place and back to work after 5 months off sick!!! I had previously taken citalopram for a number of years sucessfully as like you I have suffered anxiety for the past 11 years on and off and have mostly took meds during this time, but it didnt work this past time, hence the mirt!!! I now take pregabalin (for gad) and have found this has helped me enourmously even though I still have blips!!

Like EJ the weight gain (both meds) has been the worst thing for me, so am hoping it will come off after stopping...if I get to that stage!!!

Sounds like you need to chat with your GP or as you say physciatrist again.

Hope you feel better soon...awful this poxy illness!!!

Take care

27-08-10, 10:19
Thank you JT! It is an awful thing to have - the strange thing is I've suffered for so long without even realizing!!! It is an awful thing to have, and that's why it's so nice to come on here and talk to people who know exactly what you are feeling. Do you get depression as well? I have heard of pregablin and is something I will look further into - I'm glad you have found something to ease your anxiety. I hope it continues! I have just started to read a book - Feeling Good, the new mood therapy by David D. Burns. I feel it is helping me already, definately recommend to anyone. Thanks again and take care.

27-08-10, 16:44
I have come off mirtazapine twice once because I wanted to but the anxiety was so bad that I went back on it again. Unfortunately I had a relapse last year so went back on it again and steadily increased until on 45mg after Christmas. The withdrawals were awful terrible panic attacks, sleep walking and hallucinations even my psychiatrist was impressed. I was the first patient of his to have had this whilst trying to come off the mirt. I was on dothiepin 175mg for about fourteen years and I was weaned off that fairly quickly with no side effects apart from weepiness. I know that I have the potential to stay well/become very ill and I'm probably on fewer drugs than I've ever been and fairly stable. I'm also taking lithium and mirtazapine as well as the odd diazepan and zopiclone (very occasionally) I don't envisage a life for myself without drugs but I do envisage a fulfilled life. If I become ill I know that Dr J will have something in his 'pandoras box' of drugs to help me get well again. I have benefitted from seeing an excellent psychiatrist.

27-08-10, 19:22
Hi Madjam,

Yes depression sometimes as well, often following on after a bad spell of anxiety. I dont think I will ever be med free as I think its better to prevent then end up crashing again...who knows?? Its a difficult one to call.

Take care.