View Full Version : Help!

24-08-10, 21:07
Hi Everyone,

I’ve never been on a forum before but this anxiety thing is really bothering me and it’s scary how your life can just change at the drop of a hat. If anyone has similar symptoms or anything to say I would appreciate it even if it is just to know I’m not alone on this.

I have never had any problems like this before, I keep fit, eat well but about 4 weeks ago I woke up during the night with pins and needles in my left arm which did not go away and almost straight away my heart felt like it was beating so loud and fast and I started to feel sick. I then started to feel very clammy and dizzy and to be honest thought I was going to die. I ended up going to A&E at the advice of the NHS direct but all checks came back fine.

I have been to my doctors and he said it may have been a panic attack so gave me 40mg beta blockers (Propranolol). Since then I have only had what I would describe as a very mild version of the above but it quickly went away after popping a beta blocker. The only thing is now I seem to not be able to relax at all and this gets worse at night when I am sat at home when I should have no worries. I feel like I can’t switch off and can’t help thinking about negative things which then starts my heart rate off. I feel like I’m trapped and I can see it starting to control my life which is very scary.

My wife is 6 months pregnant with our first baby (Best thing that has ever happened to me) and I wonder if this could be the cause together with some other stressful things that have happened lately at home and work.

Has anyone had anything similar???

24-08-10, 21:08
Hi jd1000

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-08-10, 21:58

Practically everyone on this forum can relate to what you describe.

Relaxation and exercise is the best tonic. Things will get better.

24-08-10, 22:16
It only takes one episode of anxiety to make you feel as though you are being consumed by it, but don't despair because you will get through this! If you've been having a few stressful events then this catches up with you. You're only human you know! You'll get lots of support on NMP and definitely realise that you are not alone and that you can learn to cope with anxiety.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
25-08-10, 10:18
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

25-08-10, 11:15
Thank you for your messages :)