View Full Version : Iv started Slimming World... why does this worry me?!

24-08-10, 22:09
Ok, so i started Slimming World lastnight.. iv put on a few pounds since starting work 6 months ago - comfort eating I guess, and also my fear of fainting has surfaced so iv been eating lots to stop me from passing out!

Thought i really needed to sort it out and start eating healthily etc, and also i had read that although stress makes you loose weight... it can have the opposite effect on some people and actually make you put on weight because of the sugar released into the blood when panicking not being burned off or used up...

So anyway, i joined lastnight and today has been my first day and im just constantly hungry! Iv eaten loads of fruit etc and eating well today but psycologically i think im hungry because i know i cant gorge on biscuits/crisps etc.... but because i think im hungry, im panicking because i think im going faint!

I really wanna continue with this and get my weight back on track, i only wanna loose one stone to get back into a 10/12, but i dont wanna panic about fainting all the time...

Is anyone else on SlimmingWorld and got tips for eating etc??

Also, i read somewhere that eating too much fruit can be harmful? And because this diet tells you to snack on and fill up on fruit, im worrying im eating too much and damaging my body? (but too much, prob 3-4 pieces of fruit a day)


24-08-10, 22:11
- *(by too much, i mean prob 3-4 pieces of fruit a day)*

24-08-10, 22:23
I so loved slimming world food :D

Slimming world is a healthy eating plan and a very good one.

You don't need to keep on eating loads of fruit, i stocked up on the fish foods, prawns, crabsticks etc.

pieces of chicken providing you are not vegetarian, cottage cheese with chives which i loved.

Use your sins wisely, not sure they call them sins now lol!

Stick with it and the cravings for choc etc will go, and always plan your menu ahead as it helps massively.

It is a healthy eating plan that works so well and i lost loads of weight at a steady pace.

di xx

24-08-10, 22:27
Thank you for your reply!

Yeah i love the idea of it, my mums been on it for years and loves it... just dont want it to panic me more because of my fainting issue so i want to take it slow and plan meals etc so i know what im eating... Im going to get pieces of chicken/ham etc to snack on..... my main meals are fine, i know what i can eat for them.. its the snacks inbetween im sturgglin with... i have to train my body to eat less i guess!

lol yeah they do still call them sins... iv had 9 today! so can carry some over :)

I just want these cravings for cake, crisps, biscuits and all things yummy to stop!

Thank you for your advice x

24-08-10, 22:38
It takes a while to understand the slimming world plan, i messed mine up a couple of times before i learned it all, the whole key is to plan ahead, there are loads of gorgeous nibbles you can have without the cakes and stuff, at first i used my sins to have my choc bar and crisps, i later felt i didn't want them so used them on other stuff.

The chances of you fainting are not much unless of course you have an illness you haven't mentioned?

I used to love planning my menus, it gives you loads to focus on, it will do your body good as you are healthy eating and it takes your mind of anx.

happy days :D

do feel free to pm me with any questions about it and i will help you out, my mum is on the same plan and i'm always helping her with suggestions.

di xx

24-08-10, 22:51
Ive lost 2 and a half stone in 5 months on slimming world, was a size 14 after my son and im now a size 8 :) I love it and its become a new way of life for me :) I fort it was amazing that you can have a chinese takeaway and a couple of drinks on a friday night and not gain weight, in actual fact, i was doing that and i was LOSING weight :) Its all bout how dedicated you are (and saving your syns up so u can pig right out at the weekends lol)

But anyway, slimming world is created so that you shouldnt EVER feel hungry, if u do, then ya basiucally not doing it right, thats what i was told. I was never ever hungry on this diet, and if u keep eating fruit ul get bored and end up more likely relapsing and start binging on junk. So try different things. Muiller lights, batchelors rice and batchelors low fat super noodles, chicken breast slices, and alpen lights (2 a day only for your 'B option') All of them are completely SYN FREE snacks, so stock up on them and eat as much of them as u like whenever u like!!

Dont worry about fainting, if u were guna faint u would of already, no doubt about that hun. And if ur guna faint, u will faint, no amount of sugar is guna stop that, so try and just eat as healthily but normally as possible, and REMEMBER....... u are allowed up to 15 syns a DAY!!! So u can have junk food everyday if u want :) and STILL lose the weight :) Thats what is so amazing bout this diet. Crisps and choc etc is not good for you atall, its just junk that doesnt do anything for your body, but u can STILL eat it just LESS amounts... (i.e, i eat about 2 packs of crisps a week and a choccy bar once a week approximately) I cook recipes (mainly curries lol) coz its all so yummy, but have jacket spuds and batchelors chicken or curried rice, with side salad, such a yummy syn free dinner!!!!

Msg me netime if u ever want any help.

Good luck, and honestly try not to worry, as i said, u wouldve fainted already if u were going to lovey.

Take care! :)

25-08-10, 13:34
Thanks for your replies guys.. as im learning more about it, im getting into it abit more and got myself some other snacks, alpen bars, rich tea fingers (1 syn per biscuit!) fat ffree jelly etc..... i think the hunger is all in my head because even before i started this, i was always hungry and always eating to stop me fainting.... so i think im worse now because i know i cant gorge on loadsa food if i get that hunger feeling and iv got to choose a healthy option.. i supose i just need to get my body used to healthier, lighter foods.. rather than all the stodge i was eating.

Iv also just come on this morning after 3 months (i have very irregular periods on the pill) and now im worried that il faint with that!! Trying not to google.. but im dreding work tomorrow incase i faint..... i never have during a period, and only ever fainted once years ago in high school because i hadnt eaten or drank a thing all day but my phobia of it is very strong! Has anyone fainted whilst being on?? xx