View Full Version : left side pelvic pain ?

24-08-10, 23:16
hi guys

gosh been sooo long since i have been on nmp havnt been on due to feeling a lot better ,but i have a few problems i am finding hard to deal with and have no place else to turn :(

ok i will try tell you all whats going on see if anyone can help:shrug:

i have had this pain very low on the left pelvic area its kinda like a sharp pain there most of the time but maybe a few hours in the day when its not some days better than others,i have also had some pain left side further up kinds around my rib like a stitch?
my monthlys have never been right for a while now so maybe thats not related i duno,i also have tonight some pinkish spotting not sure if its jst a monthly starting....
i have seen the gp who said i should not worrie see if it goes he said maybe ibs gave me some mintec,........now starts the worrie am almost sure this pain is in my ovarie i think anyhow not sure there as low as that but hey i think they are and now think i have ovarian cancer i have googled read stories of girls who have had it most of them in 30s and the gp told me its more in ppl of a older age:shrug: they all say they had pain in one side or other ,periods all over,spotting ect
i have to admit i am about out of my head with stress they have told me to go for a scan but all i can hear is them telling me i have cancer and i just am to scared to go mad i know:huh:.
i just felt i needed to come here and try get some help as it allways helped me in the past its taken a lot to come back but i have no place else to turn
thanks for reading
jodie x

24-08-10, 23:22
Hi Jodie

I just wanted to say that i have that sharp pain on my right side of pelvic area tonite. My period started yesterday although only very light more like pink spotting.

Im sure i remember getting this when i had my last period. I do have pcos so they are all over the place so i put this pain down to that.

Now you know googling is not good for us anx sufferers lol

sounds like its just an ovulation pain

love mandie x

Cell block H fan
24-08-10, 23:22
I have had the same thing on the left, in the ovary, for years off & on. So long that I dont worry about it now. They told me about 15 yrs ago that it was I.B.S but I dont think so. I dont get any other symptoms that go with I.B.S when I get that ache. Mine is a bit like a red hot poker tbh. And sometimes worse than others. The milder times it's like someone pinching me inside.
I was sent for a scan all those years ago, & it was all clear.
I am inclined to think I have an ovary cyst that flares up every now n then. It tends to last a week or 2 for me, then toodles off for a few months! It's not unusual to have that apparently. It can coincide with ovulation for me I think, then go when my period stops.
I may go get it checked out again one day just to find out for sure, mainly because it's the one thing I dont worry about, because as I say, I would know about it by now if it was something bad. I think anyway! I am 39 btw. x

24-08-10, 23:39
thanks ladys x

i kinda know its not a ovulation pain as its there most days and has been for some weeks ,i forgot to say 11 years ago when i had a scan with my first baby they found a cyst its was huge and had to be removed with a op while i was pregnant but i cant remember even having any symptoms :shrug:well i did have a huge bump on one side when it got very big but i was young and didnt worry so much them days.
this pain is kinda sharp and hurts at times when i move quick ect but then i can go to the gym and its dose not bother me ie no more pain than other times of the day
i just cant get ovarian cancer out of my head its become now were i am thinkign of how i would deal with it ect ect .
why would my doc tell me it more happens with older ppl yet when i read online its all young ppl :shrug:
he said he would bet against me having it ,i am cross with myself that i can go for the scan and know but to scared
jodie x

25-08-10, 10:43
hi Jodie

Im sorry you feel so bad. Health anxiety is really difficult to deal with isnt it. I find that often i lock onto different health issues and just cant get it out of my head . Whatever the issue is I obsess and overthink it all day and get really really upset and worried to the point of feeling sick. Only I have done this with so many different ilnesses now and recognise that that the feeling that I get about all these different things is exactly the same and everytime i 100% beleive that this is it, Im doomed i have..blah blah whatever it is!! This has shown me over time that the problem is anxiety and nothing else. Its just bouncing about looking for an issue or even a thought to cling onto to grow!!!

If your dr is okay with your health than you must be too!

Try and keep your thoughts on real life stuff for now and stay well clear of thinking about your health or your body.

Hope your okay sweetie


25-08-10, 17:39
thanks again for your reply x

i am in pain again today like a stinging jarpping pain grr this dam thing wont go away about 2 months or over so angry and scared with it and how i can get again in this state ,i know or am sure there is somthing wrong just not sure what and looking to the worst:unsure:
i have a scan booked in for 8th of sep just hope i can talk myself into going now ! scared of what they will say i guess

jodie x