View Full Version : seroxat,Im new here

25-08-10, 00:04
Hello everyone,
I started having anxiety 6 years ago
I have put on 6 and a half stone since being on seroxat but I also stopped smoking at the same time,so cant blame the seroxat

Seroxat has been great as it doesnt make be tired like 99% of all other pills I,ve tried.

I now have severe sleep apnoea due to the weight gain and stop breathing 30 times an hour when Im asleep and have to have a special machine called a cpap to give pressurised air to keep me breathing.

Iam waiting for a decision on weight loss surgery.

I,ve got to say seroxat has been amazing for anxiety,I was on 20mg but upped it to 40mg when I got premenstrual,it worked.

I went back down to 20mg and its still be great.
The last week I,ve taken 10mg and today is my first day free of seroxat.
I feel good but been very emotional crying and laughing,even at the same :)time.

Its my birthday tomorrow and Im 44 ,So a new start :flowers:
Its been a rocky road and there is hope for everybody,that although you might be suffering now.I,ve had a terrible uncontrolled head shake and terrible anxiety attacks and things do improve and seroxat got me through the last 2 years.
I came off the seroxat because my head has been itching for a while now,so that is why I gradually reduced the dose,my head stopped itching but then my body started itching all over,the nurse mentioned I might have pruritus,elavated liver enzymes.I need blood tests!.

Obesity can cause pruritus so Im not blaming seroxat but its interesting and worth mentioning.

Well peeps its lovely to meet you all,and so easy to become anxious and today I have been using disasociation.

I made that up but Im just functioning the best I can in other words and attempting to block what would other wise had made me panic.

Well good luck every body and thanks for listening.:blush:

25-08-10, 00:06
Hi maxfactor

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
25-08-10, 10:17
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x