View Full Version : my story part 2 (my present and future plans)

andrew england 2
27-02-06, 13:04
HI part 2 of many parts - As of today I am trying to make a fresh start - taking st johns wort omega 3 fish oil vit b complex vit c and gingo biloba and a prescribed dose of propanalol ( a beta blocker for nerves) I am going to atttempt to eliminate caffeine from my diet and god help me try to do the same with cigarettes and adjust my diet to include complex carbs and fresh fruit and fresh veg and reduce processed simple carbs. I am a member of a gym and I intend to try to go there tho my work out will be limited by a small niggling knee injury I had when I 1st when I joined on jan 2 (test results pending from an x ray as it has not fully healed) and I am a member of a yoga class and will start to reattend there too as I sustained a strained back 3 wks ago I am also going to try to stay busy in my life and get the million and one jobs I never got round to, to get myself ready to return to work when my health allows - all the usual things really relaxation excercises/physical excercises/diet/herbal supplements/anti depressant in st johns wort and that concludes present day

27-02-06, 13:09
andrew hello.xx

i will pray for you that you do really well,at over coming this,only try and tackle one thing at a time,coz if you try and do to many things at once,it can become to much mentally,it worked for me,i just tackled one thing at a time,and i feel more and more better everyday.

may god be with you love and peace andrew my friend.xx:D


Ma Larkin
27-02-06, 13:10
Hi Andrew, good for you. I've managed to cut down caffeine but struggling with the fags, use public transport so I do manage a bit of walking & got 3 kids to run around after as well as working full-time so that's my exercise. Take the odd Kalms & Rescue Remedy, cut out diazepam totally, but have the need for the odd 2mg tablet, which has impressed me no end cos I thought I was hooked on em! I saw some tablets advertised the other night from Boots, contain valerian and other calming agents so I might give them a try as a replacement for the odd diazepam. I must admit a healthy diet makes all the difference, it certainly has with me. Keep it up mate!


27-02-06, 13:12
well done andrew great attitude bur remember 1 step at a time.sometimes if we overload ourselves with plans we dont stick to them.you are heading in the right direction.you can do it. take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

27-02-06, 13:12
Hi Andrew,

Good for you & stay as Positive as you can & you will come through.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-02-06, 13:21
hi andrew good luch i hope yuo stay posative.

and i hope you find this web sit as helpfull as me.

amanda x

27-02-06, 13:37
hi andrew and welcome
hope you find the support here like i have
i hope al the things you want to do goes great for you

27-02-06, 17:04

THis would be much easier to follow and reply to if it were all in one post please.

Good on you for taking all these helpful steps towards recovery.

You can continue with Yoga but just not do someof the exercises. You can still do the breathing and neck turns and relaxation and gain some benefit without involving your back

I think I read somewhere you were on Lustral too but I may be confusing posts now ??


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

amalgamated to

parts 1 to part 4 all together (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8027)