View Full Version : Hello everyone

25-08-10, 00:20
Good evening.

Just wanted to be polite and introduce myself. I'm Lily, 34 years of age, from Iceland.

I've suffered from panic attacks for.... well, hard to say. I remember having attacks in kindergarden, then many years passed where I was fine, and then at around the age of 16-17 I started having them regularly and also had general anxiety. Since starting therapy with psychiatrists shortly thereafter (I'm on my second, the first one retired) and taking Zoloft, I no longer suffer from general anxiety. I feel good most of the time, but there is a lot of avoidance in my life. I developed agoraphobia and probably have some form of OCD, as I tend to get trapped in "what if"-thoughts.

I accidentally found this site while looking for information about Birmingham, where I'm going for the first time next Sunday. It's exciting to stumble upon a community of people who are going through the same or similar to what I am going through. I have a good feeling about this. :)

25-08-10, 00:21
Hi Lily76

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-08-10, 00:53
Thank you so much, Diane :)

25-08-10, 01:32
Hello Lilly

I'm sorry you've had a tough time of it but you'll find many people here whom you can relate to and I'm sure you'll find it very useful.

:welcome: to NMP

25-08-10, 01:55
Thank you, Mel :)

Vanilla Sky
25-08-10, 10:17
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Carly Lou
25-08-10, 10:21
Lily... id like to start with i am very jealous you live in Iceland, my partner and i are going to be finally going there hopefully next year, we are so excited... I suffer panic attacks, im sure the next one will be the night before we fly to rome in 2 weeks, the first time i ever had a panic attack which was at christmas, i had to call the ambulance, i was sure i was having at heart attack at the age of 25, they were so understanding, ive suffered from health anxiety and that sets me off and i have a panic attack, i am having congnetive behavioural therapy ... which is helping, i think... welcome to nmp xx this place has been my saviour and i have met some great friends xxxxx

25-08-10, 19:25
Thank you, Paige :)

Carly Lou, you're going to love it here, I promise :welcome: