View Full Version : Has anyone had PID? (ladies obv)

25-08-10, 10:03
I saw my GP yesterday as my IBS pains and aches felt alot worse. I explained i was scared i had PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease)and he checked my abdomen, not really painful or anything. I explained the pains i get and he said it was IBS, he listened to my bowels and said it was going like the clappers.

He said if i had PID id be in agony and have a fever, he also said id have smelly discharge so not to worry.

I am still worried coz im in pain, can anyone help reassure me?:blush:

I feel silly, i had swabs done in April, they were clear. I have seen 2 GPs recently for my IBS and both have tried to reassure me, they say coz im worrying ive constant IBS cramps.

25-08-10, 18:19
I've had it and it hurt like hell! Forgot sex that wasnt happening either as the pain was just too much, not that it was happening too much either because of the discharge :wacko:
I've had IBS and PID and the pains were very different, one was a sharp pain and the IBS one a low dragging dull achey pain, though occasionally with a sharp pain when I had to do that run to the toilet bit!

It would have shown up on the tests the doctors did, its an infection that they would have been able to see quite easily.

Keep well, stop worrying or you're going to make the IBS worse!

25-08-10, 21:58
Thanks so much:)

Were you feeling unwell? Fever?