View Full Version : Scared to take prescribed tablet!

25-08-10, 12:28
My Dr has prescribed me one tablet an antifunal to take for vaginal thrush. I cannot use the topical treatment as I react really badly to it with awful itching and burning and redness so the only other option is the diflucan one tablet. My Dr tried to reassure me that it is just one tablet and whatever side effects I might get will not last long. He said its not like taking antifungals for toenail infection as you have to take them for up to 9 months and this can affect your liver quite badly and I was reassured but now I have actually got the tablet I am terrified of taking it in case I am allergic to it.
Please talk sense to me!

margaret jones
25-08-10, 12:44
Hi Countrygirl
Sorry you are suffering with that dam thrush , please try and take the meds i am sure you will be fine my grandaughter suffers with excema and asthma and she took it with no side effects just sweet relief .

Gone on Take It :) Maggie

25-08-10, 12:51
Thanks Margaret - what really annoys me is that the thrush was caused by antibiotics I had to take becasue of recurrent vaginal absess - the antibiotics didn't help one little bit just gave me thrush - the abcess burst for the 3rd time and fingers crossed seems to have sorted itself just need to get rid of what they say from swab is mild thrush!

25-08-10, 12:54
I've never had any problems with the thrush tablet - and usually if there are side effects I will get them! I'm sure you'll be fine :-)


25-08-10, 13:03
Ive been getting really annoying thrush that doesnt seem to shift too. I was given the pill for it last year, and I took it and FINALLY it went! I was so happy, then like you I had to take anti biotics and its come back again ><
I took the pill just before bed so that I could sleep through any of the problems it might have caused. I dont think I had any side effects to be honest.
Its worth it, so do take it :)

25-08-10, 19:51
I've had to use this pill (and i have a med phobia), but it didn't bother me. It may take a couple of days before you see some improvement though in the thrush.

25-08-10, 22:10
Thanks everyone - I am going to take the pill tomorrow night before bed - I have to go to a birthday party tomorrow and eat lunch out etc so don't want to risk side effects the and notice on leaflet that most common side effect is upset tummy so will wait one more day.

25-08-10, 22:50
usually the main thing in thrush tablets are acidophillus... the same stuff you find in live actuve culture yoghurt. i would suggest if you really cant face using the tablet, you purchase some acidophilus capsules from the your health shop and opt for the natural route. acidophilus cant hurt you as it is present already in your gut all the time. x

26-08-10, 00:37
I had to take the tablet for thrush last week and I was ok with it, got rid of it like it was supposed to :)

27-08-10, 11:17
I took it yesterday - possibly bit of stange taste in mouth but may be imagining this!
It says it takes 2 -7 days to clear up the thrush but yesterday before I took it I could have scratched myself to pieces and this is not as bad today so fingers crossed it works. It I still have itching next week my GP said to go back and have another swab- lovely!

margaret jones
27-08-10, 12:06
Well done for taking tab hope it stops that dam itching for good :winks:

Take Care Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxxx