View Full Version : Had a long intense pack attack last night, need to talk about it.

25-08-10, 14:13
I had doing a program to stop panic attacks, they went away for 3 weeks and I was starting to repair my mind, but last night I have 2, 1 after the other.

It started by feeling very bloated which seemed to restrict my breathing making me want to breath deeper, then nausea which made the fear worse, then panic set in. I had to run outside then I remember what I was told 'Invite your fear in', I tried that and it helped a bit but i was still shaking. I had a cold shower which helped but, although i wasnt cold, i was still really shaking etc etc im sure you all know the rest.

I just needed to tell someone all of that. It started at 1am and i couldnt sleep until 8am and just woken up now. I did lots of self harming during that time, trying to take my mind of it. Now my arm is covered is scars :(

25-08-10, 14:21
I used to pluck my leg hairs one by one, if you feel you need to self harm that's much safer and has the desired result, not that I think you should do either.
Sounds like you had it rough, how're you feeling today? x

25-08-10, 14:23
Hi. Try not to let this dishearten you. Last night was a blip and you can carry on getting better again :)

25-08-10, 17:36
Can i ask if you have learnt the breathing techniques for coping with panic attacks?This means breathing low into your stomache for the count of 7 then breathe out for count of 11 then hold for a few seconds and keep on doing this until your panic subsides.Another trick is to hold your breathe for 10-15 seconds do this a few times and this will stop the intake of of too much oxygen which is causing your panic by over breathing.
Beating panic attacks is a work in a progress,try not to get disheartened and alot of us are on this journey.
Ali xxx