View Full Version : Pregnancy and Migraine

25-08-10, 14:24
Hi everyone,

So I was just about managing my anxiety surrounding my health and being pregnant (long list of posts on the pregnancy forum), and then yesterday had what my doctor now told me was a migraine - I was seeing zigzag lines, then had the most terrible headache.

I've never had migraine before, and am now in a state of anxiety again because migraine is associated with DVT (and I already have a risk factor for that).

Has anyone else had migraines whilst pregnant?

25-08-10, 14:42
Hi there

I've been a migraine sufferer for most of my life, but I've never been pregnant. However, my mother was a sufferer as well, and I remember her saying that her migraine attacks were worse when she was pregnant. A girl I used to work with got bad migraines when she was pregnant as well, so maybe it's quite common.

25-08-10, 19:32
Im 17 weeks pregnant and i have been getting really bad headaches for the last 2/3 weeks, my midwife says they are common with pregnancy. But monday i had an almighty headache and i had to lay down, i felt dizzy and was seeing zig zags etc. Phoned the midwife yet again and she said again common with pregnancy, its due to all the extra hormones. I was worried as this is my 3rd pregnancy and i never had anything like this b4 with the other 2. Oh yeah and she also said that if the headaches get too bad or i start getting regular migraines there is certain meds the doc can perscribe. Try not to worry hun pregnancy plays havoc with our bodies, u r not alone.
take care debs x

26-08-10, 08:18
Thanks Debs. Sounds exactly like my headache. Glad to know it is not just me - I never normally suffer from headaches, and was freaking out! I'm 13 weeks, so just a bit behind you. I'm trying not to worry but the health anxiety is definitely getting to me!:)

26-08-10, 10:44
ive been getting headaches lately a lot i went to drs monday, and my blood pressure is very low ,which is what could be causing them have you had bp checked lately?im 27 weeks pregnant and this is my 4th pregnancy, but its tottaly different to the other 3 hang in there, i think its just pregnancy making us all feel rougher than usual xx

26-08-10, 12:07
Hi there

I had occular migraines with both of my pregnancies and they became much less frequent after about 16 weeks.

I had never suffered from them before and they were VERY VERY frightening, I would lose half of my vision before the classic zig zag came. My GP told me it was caused by all the extra hormones floating around my body.

Hopefully they wont last much longer for you. I was told not too stress too much (easier said than done!) but did find laying in a dark room for an hour or so really helped.

26-08-10, 14:15
Im a migraine sufferer and mine tend to be mostly hormone related, every month from the 25th day to around day 6 of my cycle. Perhaps one or two within this time.
When I was pregnant I had lots of migraines from about the sixth week to the thirteenth and then had none till after the birth and got a fair few till my periods become normal again. I loved those migraine free months, it was heaven! My midwife said it was due to fluctuations in hormones and it was the same with my three pregnancies. Now Im approaching menopause my hormones are all over the place and so are the migraines...grrrr!!!
Take care.