View Full Version : reassurance ?

25-08-10, 15:13
Hi just looking for some reassurance. Been having stomach problems for a while. Saw my doctor yesterday after having blood tests and stool tests which came back normal and he seems to think i have IBS. Have got to have a stool test to check for blood just to cover everything he said.
I have been googling and i have got myself in such a state convinced its something else i can't believe my symptoms are IBS !!!
Sometimes when i eat or drink i get a a lot of gurgling low down in my pelvic area aswell as everywhere else in my stomach, its really scaring me !!!! Is this normal with IBS ? I get terrible wind which i can't get rid of most of the time, lot of burping but not from the other end !!!!
Had a lot of mucus in my stool this morning which really worried me !!!
I don't have pain as such just discomfort that feels like spasms and cramps. If i'me lucky i can have a day with barely any symptoms. I don't feel unwell in myself apart from the stomach problems. Please help so worried. Thanks in advance.

25-08-10, 15:46
Hi Rosebud - It sounds exactly like IBS - mucus is also a classic symptom and of course IBS is triggered by worry so its a vicious circle.
I have been there!

25-08-10, 16:01
Thanx Flippa. Is the gurgling especially that low down normal in IBS. Also sometimes it feels like my bowels are rumbling !!! All this worry is just stopping me living my life !!!!!!

25-08-10, 20:19
was hoping for more help ?

26-08-10, 09:51
Don't worry (yes, easily said) but this does sound like IBS to me too. I've had it on & off for years, as has my mother (another worrier) and everything you're described sounds just like what she & I have experienced.

IBS is one of those intangible 'syndromes' which manifest themselves for no good reason.

Stress and anxiety can definitely trigger it and once it's there & you're worrying about it the previously-described vicious circle fires up & you're off..

Gurgling, bloating, mucous, solid stools, diaorrhea, queasiness, acid - all symptoms I've had and I know for a fact my Mum has too.

In fact, my Mother is the classic example of stress-induced IBS at the moment - she's due to take a long-distance flight in September and is terrified of flying. As a result, she's booked on a fear of flying course this weekend and she's absolutely dreading it.

Spoke to her last week and lo & behold, IBS has kicked in - regular as clockwork.

Please try & be reassured by this if you can - IBS is nasty and the symptoms can be dreadful (I know) but from what you've described it sounds like that's what you have.

I don't want to go recommending medication but my GP put me on something called Mebeverine Hydrochloride or 'Colofac' which definitely eases the bloating and gurgling.

Hope this helps a bit,

Take care & good luck.

26-08-10, 15:36
Hi Rosebud - Tag has said it all. I too take Mebeverine and it helps

26-08-10, 16:18
Thanks flippa and tag your help is very much appreciated xxx