View Full Version : hi im new to site but not anxiety

25-08-10, 16:16
hi everybody,
new to the site, im from cornwall, in my early 30's
been having anxiety for few years now. i have had cbt which has helped but the anxiety comes back and stays for ages when i least need it. would be great to chat to people and see how they cope with certain triggers. i can normally deal with one or maybe 2 things at a time but when there is a few things going on in my mind it just starts to overwhelm me.

25-08-10, 16:27
Hi gettingfedupnow

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-08-10, 16:33
Hi there I am an anxiety sufferer too and going through a 'blip' at the moment. I like you have had CBT but the anxiety has still come back.
I've taken up power walking with my ipod on full blast round our local race course. It has helped as it seems to stop the thoughts going round in my head x

Vanilla Sky
25-08-10, 20:56
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

26-08-10, 23:55
good one I hate anxiety ;)
Getting fed up now,dont let other people or chores over whelm you doll !
Its your world too x

27-08-10, 11:17
Hi there gettingfedupnow I'm 31 and have panic dissorder. I find when my thoughts start to overwhelm me I use a breathing technique called the 7 11 where you breathe in for 7 and out for 11 seconds when you do it properly it really starts to calm you down. Hope this helps mate and try tackle your anxieties head on :)

27-08-10, 11:35
Hi and welcome this is an excellent site and so friendly :) the 7/11 technique I cant seem to get this I feel that I don't have enough air then get light headed I wish I could learn a brething technique without panicking about it. Is 4 in 4 out same?

27-08-10, 11:50
I was the same when I first tried it. I couldn't get enough air at all and freaked out! It does take practice at first but like you say just tryfor a shorter time..I think the principle is just to calm and steady your breathing and to have you concentrating on that and counting instead of what your anxious about :)

27-08-10, 12:04
Hi, yes I think just concentrating on one thing, instead of you brain thinking overload of the panic symptoms helps, im a bit obsessed at the moment with breathing seems constantly on mi mind which doesnt help. :)

27-08-10, 14:56
Hi angels22165, There is a breathing technique, 'mindfulness breathing' where you dont have to change your breathing rate, maybe you could do a search on the net and see what you think of it, hope it helps! x

27-08-10, 21:25
Thanks everybody, its really starting to help being on here

28-08-10, 07:24
Hi angels22165

i cant do that counting stuff neither. what i do is hold my breath then when i need to breath let it out slowly as if blowing out cigarette smoke.it works wonders calms you instantly. all the best

28-08-10, 10:38
Thanks :) will try them out. Hope your feeling good today:)